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How to Share Report via Cloud on Autel ITS600E (ITS600)?

已有 224 次阅读2022-8-23 21:06 分享到微信

Autel ITS600E (ITS600) adds a new function- Report Cloud Sharing. The APP version requires to be upgraded to V1.65. Check the step-by-step guide to share report via cloud.


Perform a check on your old sensors to obtain the sensor ID

Then perform sensor programming

Tap Programming>> Copy by Activation

Confirm to program this sensor

After programming, tap the report icon in the upper right hand corner to generate a report.

autel its600e report cloud sharing guide 1

Select the vehicle year

Tap ‘OK’

Then tap the icon in the lower right hand corner to generate report

When the report saved successfully, message is displayed.

Press the view report button

autel its600e report cloud sharing guide 2

It will show two methods to view and share report: view local reports and report cloud sharing.

Tap report cloud sharing

A QR code appears, you may scan the QR code with your smartphone or tablet to view download or share the report.

Besides, you also can share the report via email or SMS.

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Alright, that’s the Autel MaxiTMPS ITS600E report cloud sharing function introduction.


Read more:

Autel ITS600E Using Tips: Register+ Update+ VCI Firmware Update

How to Pair Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E with TBE200E?

4 Ways to Program MX Sensor by Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E (ITS600)

Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E vs. TS608 vs.MK808TS vs.TS508-WF vs. TS508


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