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BMW 868MHZ Key Renew with KEYDIY KD X2 No Need Tokens

已有 543 次阅读2022-8-18 03:18 分享到微信

KEYDIY KD X2 renew BMW 868Hmz remote key within 2 minutes, no need tokens!



Devices required:

KEYDIY KD-X2 Remote Maker

Original BMW key_868MHZ

Android/IOS Smartphone


Step 1: Identify key

Connect KEYDIY KD X2 to smartphone by Bluetooth

Put the original key chip into the detection coil of KD- X2

Tap Chip Function>> Automation Detection Clone>> Start identifying

Detect out the key is BMW CAS4 (EWS4) FEM, in locked status

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Step 2: Renew Remote

Connect KD X2 and remote data cable

Tap Remote Renew>> BMW>> 5WK49661 F series 868MHZ Continental

Press KEYDIY on the screen to check the connection diagram

Connect the original remote key with KD remote data cable to update

Wait a moment till the process is completed

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Step 3: Check the remote again

Back to the main menu, and go to chip function to identify the remote key again

Now the status is unlocked.

keydiy kd x2 renew bmw 868mhz key 8

That means KEYDIY KD- X2 remote maker successfully renew remote for BMW 868MHZ key.


OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus also works perfectly on BMW 868 MHZ remote key without issues, check OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Renew BMW 868MHZ Key with Godiag CAS4 Test Platform


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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