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Autel MaxiCOM MK808+ Xtool D7 Scan Tool and Xtool D8 Scan Tool Comparison

已有 490 次阅读2022-8-15 23:46 分享到微信

Autel MaxiCOM MK808, Xtool D7 and Xtool D8 which is better? EOBDTool.co.uk  here made a comparison among the 3 units. You will have a better idea about which of these tools is going to be more suitable or better for your specific needs.

First of all, check a table comparison below:

 Autel MK808Xtool D7Xtool D8
Imageautel mk808xtool d7xtool d8
Display7-inch LCD touch screen 1024×600 resolution.7″ Touch Screen with 1024*768 Resolution8″ Touch Screen with 1024*768 Resolution
OE Full System DiagnosisYesYesYes
Bidirectional Control FunctionYes (New added in June 2022)YesYes
Active TestYesYesYes
Special Functions



Oil reset, EPB, TPMS, BMS, Brake bleed, DPF, Immo, Injector, SAS, Suspension, Throttle, WIN DR ROOF, Seats, Odometer, Lang Change, Headlamp, CHG Tire Size, TEC Learn, Trans Adaption etc



Odometer, TPMS reset, EEPROM, Airbag reset, Cylinder, Suspension,  TPMS Reset, Air Suspension, Gear Learning(Crankshaft Relearn), Gearbox Match, Headlight Adjustment, Window Initialization, Seat Configurations, Disable Transportation, Tire Upgrade, EEPROM, Electronic Pump Activation, Power Balance, A/F Reset, Start/Stop Reset,




TPMS Airbag reset, eeprom, Suspension, odometer, headlight, transport mode, tire upgrade, seat calibration, windows initialization, abs bleeding, language change, TPMS reset, A/F reset, stop/start reset, cylinder, Eletronic pump activation, oil reset, EPB, SAS, DPF, injector coding, Throttle reset, BMS, Gearbox match, gear learning

FCA Autoauth AccessYes (NEW)NoNo
Unlock Renault GatewayYes (NEW)  
Battery Capacity5000 mAh lithium-polymer battery4,000mAh10,000mAh
Operating systemAndroidTM 4.4.4Android 5.1.1Android 5.1.1
ProcessorCortex-A9 processor (1.5 GHz)Quad-Core 1.6GhzQuad-Core 1.8Ghz
AutoVINYes, AutoVinYes, Auto Scan, manual inputAuto Scan, manual input, Scan VIN
ECU CodingNoNoECU coding for VW Skoda Seat
CAN FD protocolNo



Work with CAN FD Adapter (NOT included in the package): Support for GM after 2020.


Yes, for new GM 2020 up
Immo Key ProgrammingYes, pull pin & write, basic mechanic keysYesYes
Digital inspection cameraNoNoYes
Rear Facing CameraNoNoYes
LanguageEnglish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French, Italian, Korean, Russian ,Polish, Swedish

Russian, Portuguese,


French, Spanish, German, Polish, Dutch, Italian, English, Hebrew Korean, Arabic

English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Finish Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Russian
Compatible with VideoscopeYesNoYes
ADAS calibration assistanceYesNoYes
Car brands2000 + and newer vehicles85 brands, 10000 cars,88+ Car Brands, More than 10000+ Cars
Software Update1 Year Free Update, later €80/per year2-Year Free Updates2-Year Free Updates
Price on eobdtool359475699

Let’s get down to the second part which is based on users’ working experience and reviews.

Autel MaxiCOM MK808 vs D7

These tools are two direct competitors towards each other.  They’re both like a hard wearing tool as you can see they’re both kind of the same thickness.

overall xtool probably just a little bit thinner when it comes to the tablet itself but when it comes to the protective corners then it probably is about the same.

autel maxicom mk808 vs xtool d7 1
autel maxicom mk808 vs xtool d7 2

They both have internal batteries. Then when it comes to manufacturer coverage.  They both have American, Euprean and Aisa vehicle coverage.

In EU coverage, they both got Maserati but Xtool D7 has Aston Martin and Ferrari. They both have a bit of Lamborghini high-end vehicle.

autel maxicom mk808 vs xtool d7 3

Then we will go Aisan market, Autel will get on the second screen and Xtool it also has a Chinese section as well.

When it comes to the system coverage, both of these tools are going to cover all systems within the vehicle. both have the ability to read the vin number.

autel maxicom mk808 vs xtool d7 4

You will get free updates for the first year and after that you will have to pay, it is about 150USD per year (sometimes 80USD per year when promotion). For the xtool you get free updates for the first free years and then after that you have to pay an update cost of 100USD per year.

They both double up as tablets as well so you can be using them diagnosing through the day and playing games or surfing the internet at nighttime

They both allow you to do printing facilities when it comes they can kind of like create a report based on what faults you’ve been able to find.

Both support multi languages as well so you can go into like the settings of each of them and you can see the languages are all in here.

They are both good for advanced DIY mechanic.


Autel MK808 adds many more special functions, bidirectional controls,  AutoAuth Access, ADAS access, Active test, borescope and battery test features is available too which makes is way better value for your money than the xtool d7.

Xtool wins in my book as it is great to have a preinspection tool for high end cars like Ferrari missing from base Autel models, but most of people don’t drive Ferrari.

xtool has more cars but the feauters are limitted autel has less vechical coverage but each model is specific.


Xtool D7 vs Xtool D8

xtool d7 vs xtool d8

The XTools D7 sports an Android Cell Phone Size Screen (Using a DLC Cable Connection NOT Blue Tooth Adapter) and is available for under $500.00. XTools D8 sports a LARGER Touch Screen Scan Tool has, among its additional features, the ability to display Oscilloscope Graphed Data for Wave Form Analysis.

The XTools D8 also works with an Optional USB Endoscope (Boro-Scope).

D8 supports VW, Audi, Seat ECU coding, D7 does not.
D8 comes with more special function i.e fuel injector balance, crankshaft sensors relearn, D7 does not.
D8 with CAN FD protocol for new GMs, D7 does not. D8 supports add-ons i.e digital inspection camera, D7 does not.

The update cost after 3 years for the D7 is $99 and the D8 is $199. That may play a part in somebody’s decision.







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