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PCMTuner Flash V1.2.7 Update & Activation Common Errors and Solutions

已有 356 次阅读2022-8-10 21:29 分享到微信

Here are some common errors and solutions about new PCMTuner Flash V1.2.7 software update and activation issues.


After get license 1+LKtQAIEACnBgIAqv0Zgnt2BgedJkTLAla0yg==, Still need activation. Maybe wrong license?

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Need to copy the license to C:\Program Files (x86)\PCMtuner Flash folder.

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Don't alter or change the name of the file when saving it. If you change then the license file won't work and you will have the activation problem despite loading it into the system. Let the license open with pcmtuner flash.


The other mistake that people are making is although it’s telling you to copy and paste the file into the directory that won't work either and will cause issues. We found that if you actually physically move and drag the license file into the directory fully then open the pcm flash software, it also can solve the problem as well and it will work perfectly first time every time with the license files if you follow the instructions there.


Please set up the license file default open (the license name must be PCMtuner.license) with pcmtuner flash, or it will always ask the license.


If still not working doing above (ask for activation over and over again) after copying the license, delete current pcmtuner program, download and install PCM Suite on tuner-box.com

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Error USB not accessible after update pcmflash to 1.2.7

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Never update PCMFlash!!!

PCMflash software is still V1.2.0.

V1.2.7 is the version of PCMTuner flash program.

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Delete this version, download and install pcmtuner flash setup.exe here


Press 'No’ if it asks you to update pcmflash 1.2.7 on server.

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Follow this guide to disable this error message

How to Stop PCMTuner PCMFlash Updates?



I’m a pcmtuner user and ever since i downloaded the new version 1.2.7 the pcm tuner flesh won’t start. I tried running it as admin and it won’t open. Any advice?



Send PCMTuner device ID to info@tuner-box.com, you will receive a registration key within 24 hours.

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Follow detailed instructions here to get software activated.

How to Update and Activate PCMTuner Flash 1.2.7?



What new is included in this new PCMTuner software version?



Just the logo.

Name of software and credits inside it.



I tried the installation of pcmtuner flash 1.2.7, I am stuck on this error, I do not use a virtual machine antivirus protection and firewall disabled. It is a Lenovo G50 portable PC with windows 10pro 21H2. Anyone has an idea?

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Some tablets like surface pro actually are Virtual windows. Try to disable virtualization in Bios setting.


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