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VXDIAG VCX SE ODIS 9.1.0 Free Download and Installation Guide

已有 2546 次阅读2022-7-20 20:53 分享到微信

Free download the newest software ODIS 9.1.0 + Postsetup 90100.207.230 for your VXDIAG VCX SE 6154 and VCX SE DOIP Full Brands and install it properly on Win10 64 bit.


ODIS Service 9.1.0 + PostSetup 90100.207.70 free download link:


Size: 16.32GB

No password!


Operating system:

Windows 10 x64 bit (recommended)

Windows 7 x 64bit and Windows 10 x 32 bit (need luck)

Windows7 x 32 bit (cannot install ODIS 6.10 version and above)


Multi-language supported:

English, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Turkish, Spanish, French, Italian, Croatian, Danish, German, Swedish, Finnish, Slovenian, Czech, Russian, Greek, Chinese


Step-by-step guide to install ODIS 9.1.0 + PostSetup:
<span style="display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;" data-mce-type="bookmark" class="mce_SELRES_start"></span>

Step 1: Install ODIS setup

Step 2: Install ODIS PostSetup

Step 3: Install VX Manager & 6154 Driver

Step 4: Run ODIS


In details…


Step 1: Install ODIS Setup


Open ODIS 9.1.0 folder

Open OffboardDiagSetup_VWMCD_9_1_0 setup to install

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 1

Select setup language

Install ODIS setup assistant

Select Target platform: Standard PC/notebook

Select diagnostic interface: VAS 6154

Add license.dat license from C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/ODIS9.1.0/license.dat folder

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 2

Tick ‘Create a folder in the start menu’ and ‘create shortcuts for all users’

Installing setup until finished

Copy and paste OffboardDiagLauncher file from ODIS91.0/Replace license/ODIS910 folder

Replace the file in C:/Program Files/Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System_Service folder

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 3

Copy and paste plugins file in ODIS91.0/Replace license/ODIS910/plugins

Replace the file in C:/Program Files/Offboard_Diagnostic_Information_System_Service/plugins folder

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 4


Step 2: Install ODIS PostSetup

Run Offboard Diagnostic program on desktop

Select local directory

Upload ODIS-Service_update_9_1_0 EU folder

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 5

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Step 3: Install VX Manager and 6154 Driver

Download VX Manager Driver 1.8.9 on vxdiag.net official website

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 7

Install VX manager and select VAG ODIS 6154 program to install

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 8

Connect vxdiag vcx se 6154 interface with laptop via USB or WiFi (first installation recommends connecting via USB)

Check device status, if the firmware is not the latest version, click “Upgrade” to update to the latest version

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 9

Make sure ODIS 6154 driver is installed


Step 4: Run ODIS 9.1.0 Software

Open Offboard Diagnostic program on the desktop

Now software is ready to use.

vxdiag vcx se odis 9.10 download install 10


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