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Orange5 Super Pro 1.35 Driver Software Free Download and Installation Guide

已有 621 次阅读2022-7-11 21:03 分享到微信

In the previous article, we introduce the difference between the 2022 new Orange5 Super Pro and Orange5 Plus V1.35. Now we will share the Orange 5 Super Pro V1.35&1.36 software download link and installation guide for new users.


Orange5 Super Pro 1.35 free download link:


Size: 1.88 GB

No password!


Orange5 Super Pro 1.36 free download link:


Password: jqpn

Language: English, Russian

O.S: WIN XP/ WIN7/WIN8/WIN10 (32bit and 64-bit)


How to install and use Orange5 Super Pro 1.35& 1.36 software?

1.Orange5 Super Pro V1.35 Driver and Software installation guide

Before installing the software, connect Orange 5 Super Pro to computer by the USB cable.

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Open the software folder downloaded

Run Orange application as administrator

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When the system prompts ‘USB device not found’ on the screen, it means the device driver is not installed.

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Go to computer management

Select device manager>> Ports (COM&LPT)>> USB Serial Device (COME)>> Update driver

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Then choose ‘Browse my computer for driver software (Locate and install driver manually)’ to search for drivers

Search for drivers in the location ‘Orange5_SIPER PRO>> Driver>> X32 or X64 depending on your computer system’

Click OK to continue

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Update driver successfully

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Now the ORANGE5 USB can be checked under the Universal Serial Bus controllers option in computer management.

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2.How to use Orange5 Super Pro software?

The Orange5 software is ready to use.

Connect the chip you want to Orange5 Super Pro

Run Orange5 software

There are 8 functions on the toolbar: File, Buffer, Device, Tools, Options, Type, Recent, Help.

  • Buffer: incl. Undo, Copy, Paste, Search, Replace, Search Text, Select, Fill Buffer, Fill Buffer Random, Xor Buffer, Swap and Checksum

orange5 super pro 1.35 software download install 8

  • Device: incl. Read, Read All, Write, Modify, Write All, Compare, Difference, Blank Check, Test Insertion

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  • Tools: incl. Calculator, Pin Tester, Statistic, Dump map, Templates, Log Window, HPL Registers and HPL Debug

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  • Options: General, Device, Hardware, Editor, Files, Colors, Language, Compare mode

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  • Recent: displays the most recently tested car models

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  • Help: incl. Help, Chip info, Chip Pinout, System Info, Check Updates and About Orange

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Click the yellow &white icon to select the related chip type

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Then click the green Read icon to read the chip

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