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How to Quickly Search ECU Model and Wiring Diagram with PCMTuner?

已有 498 次阅读2022-7-8 03:28 分享到微信

It’s easy and fast to search ECU type and check the related wiring diagram in PCMTuner software. Make sure PCMTuner ECU programmer and USB Smart dongle are connected to the computer properly and the network is good.

pcmtuner ecu wiring diagram search guide 1

Tips & guide:

Open PCMtuner software

Go to ECU Operations >> Vehicle Type >> Select the model or use the search function directly

Type in the ECU model to search (eg. EDC17CP44)

Note: Send us ECU which is outside the label to get the corresponding ECU model if you don’t know.

Select the corresponding model, click “show”>> Select ECU programming method: BENCH, BOOT or OBD >> Instructions

Then the related wiring diagram can be seen on the screen.

pcmtuner ecu wiring diagram search guide 2 pcmtuner ecu wiring diagram search guide 3 pcmtuner ecu wiring diagram search guide 4 pcmtuner ecu wiring diagram search guide 5

Note: The wiring connection should refer to instructions and wire marks. Do not connect wires according to colors.


The corresponding connection method for each module with PCMTuner:

When using OBD or OBD-vr read/write functions in vehicle, it is advisable to use battery support.

On some diesel engines it is advisable to use scan tool and record any injector coding.

  • Not all OBD can be connected with breakout on Bench as they rely on other components in car such as IMMO to allow programming.
  • Most MED/EDC/MEG17 ECU that can be read in OBD can also be read in Bench with module 71.
  • Not all ECU's support identification with OBD-vr. You may need to use scan tool to get ECU information to find ORI file.

Bench: direct connection to ECU header pins on bench

BSL: Connection to ECU and to PCB (ecu opened) (expert)

OBD: Connection via Vehicle OBD socket

OBD-vr: Connection via Vehicle OBD socket, Virtual read only, or write only

Check: PCMTuner Module Connection Instruction


For module 58, 61, 71, check the related PCMTuner wiring diagram below.

PCMTuner module 58 wiring diagram (OBD/OBD-vr)

PCMTuner module 61 wiring diagram (OBD/Bench)

PCMTuner module 71 wiring diagram (Bench/BSL)


UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop








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