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Autel MaxiSys Elite II Newly Add Intelligent Diagnostics Function

已有 596 次阅读2022-6-24 03:32 分享到微信

Autel adds new function " Intelligent diagnostics " on MaxiSys Elite II. You can obtain new software package by tapping "Update" icon on your tablets. More details please see below:

1. What is the new function?

Inteligent diagnostics function is highlighted in red in below picture.

2. Which version will the device support the new function?
Please see below table for relevant version information:


New Function




System Version


Estimated Released Date

Intelligent diagnostics


MaxiSys Elite II


V2.42 and above



3. How to get the new function?

Tap Update icon to update the device’s system version to V2.42 or above one and download all available vehicle software.
Note: If there is not enough storage for downloading update, customer can insert a micro SD card to the device.

4. What is Intelligent diagnostics function?

Intelligent Diagnostics is a specific fault code analysis function, with which you can access the most comprehensive and the latest code-specific data, DTC analysis, repair assist, repair tips, and relevant repair cases.
Intelligent Diagnostics adopts the scientific data cloud computing technology to match the specific fault code with the exact vehicle model. And the data has been thoroughly verified by automotive maintenance professionals.
The following are main parts of the code data contained in Intelligent Diagnostics:

a)Technical Service Bulletin (OEM Information).

b)DTC Analysis.

c)Repair Assist.

d)Repair Tips.

e)Relevant Cases.

5. What is the function of each main part in Intelligent Diagnostics?

a)Technical Service Bulletin (OEM Information): matches the selected fault code with relevant vehicle manufacturer TSBs, including relevant vehicle models, malfunction phenomenon, repair solution or recall information, etc., which can assist technician to avoid unnecessary troubleshooting procedure, thus improve maintenance efficiency.
b)DTC Analysis: provides detailed information for fault code including fault description, possible cause and possible solution.

c)Repair Assist: intelligently prioritizes DTCs and leads the user to the proper repair, and match maintenance information such as relevant Wiring Diagram to guide customer to troubleshoot the fault step by step.
d)Repair Tips: displays a range of diagnostic and repair steps,including the

information needed in order to clear the faults. The repair steps are provided in text and video.
e)Relevant Cases: offers relevant fault-clearing cases for reference.

6. How to access Intelligent diagnostics function?

Note: Before performing the Intelligent Diagnostics function, please ensure the network is connected successfully.
a)Make sure vehicle communication has been established.

b)Connect MaxiSYS Elite II tablet to the test vehicle through VCI device.

c)Tap Diagnostic application and read vehicle by auto detect or manual selection.

d)tap Auto Scan from the Main menu.

e)Tap Fault scan button from the bottom menu.

f)After scanning system faults, there are two methods to access the Intelligent Diagnostics screen as below picture shows:
Access via the Intelligent Diagnostics buttonto view code-related
information of all DTCs for the whole vehicle.

Access via the Intelligent Diagnostics iconto view code-related information of a specific DTC.

7. What vehicle can be supported for Intelligent Diagnostics function by the device?
Intelligent Diagnostics vehicle coverage: Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Honda,

Jaguar, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen

of which, TSB, DTC and Repair Assist coverage are as follows:

TSB and DTC analysis vehicle coverage: Audi, BMW, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Honda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen
Repair Assist vehicle coverage: Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, GM, Volkswagen

8. Which area of device will be added the new function?

Device that is purchased from all area except China mainland.







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