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Active Test and Special Function- Released on MX808 and MK808 Series Tablets

已有 532 次阅读2022-6-23 20:52 分享到微信

Autel adds new function “Active test” and “Special function” on MX808 and MK808 series tablets. You can obtain new software package by tapping "Update" icon on your tablets. More details please see below:

1.What is the new function?

Active test function and Special function highlighted in red in below picture.

2. What model will be added the new function? and what version can support it?
Please see below table for model that will be added new function and relevant version information:


New Function




System Version


Estimated Released Date

 MX808, MX808TS,  

Active Test

Special Function



V2.62 and above1-Jun-2022

3.How to get the new function?

Tap Update icon to update the device’s system version to V2.62 or above one and

download all available vehicle software.

Note: If there is not enough storage for downloading update, customer can insert a micro SD card to the device.

4.What is Active Test function and Special Function?

Active Test function is used for outputting signal to vehicle control unit using the device to control actuator for test, so that it can test whether the actuator works normally, such as Fuel Pumps test, EGR test, etc.
Special Function generally refers to the initial adaptation, self-learning or some auto detection function with many procedures that the vehicle is performed after maintenance or reset is done or some related component in electronic control system is replaced, such as Crankshaft Position Sensor Learn.

5.How to perform Active test Function?

a)Read vehicle by auto detect, manual input or manual selection;

b)Select Auto scan or Control Unit ----- (Powertrain/Body/Chassis) relevant

module Active test;

c)Take steps by following the on-screen instructions.

6.How to perform Special Function?

a)Read vehicle by Auto detect or manual input or manual selection;

b)Select Auto scan or Control Unit ----- (Powertrain/Body/Chassis) (relevant

module) Special function;

c)Take steps by following the on-screen instructions.

7. What vehicle can the device support Active test and Special Function.

All vehicle brands that the device can support.

8. Which area of device will be added the new function?

Device that is purchased from all area except China Mainland.







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