As PCMtuner Magic Car Tool is widely praised by users, we found that some bad merchants maliciously use the PCMTuner logo to make fake versions in the market. The counterfeit device does NOT have any functions of the genuine PCMtuner, it will cause misleading and loss to you. Check what the difference is between genuine and fake devices. Buy the genuine PCMtuner and you can enjoy a large number of online technical support accounts and services.
The genuine PCMtuner:
The fake PCMtuner:
Differences: 1. The shapes of PCMTuner hardware are different. 2. The font color on the hardware are different 3. There is not ‘NEW’ word in the genuine version 4. The accessories are different
Genuine: the appearance is thin & elongated, has a string, the PCB inside is red. Note: the Smart Dongle (Item No. SE157-S) comes with green PCB. The function is the same as redone, the difference is that it can be bought alone, and the red one is included in the PCMTuner full package.
Fake: Narrow appearance with black PCB, without a string
USB cable
Genuine: the color is black Fake: the color is blue
BENCH/BOOT Cable, OBD Cable, Power Adapter is also different, view the image above carefully
Please kindly notice: If you buy a fake PCMTuner, you cannot enjoy the related benefits.
The fake version cannot get the technical support account of the official website (;