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2022 Fuel Injector Cleaners Comparison: Summary vs. Autool vs. Launch vs. Tektin

已有 366 次阅读2022-5-9 23:27 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

The injector cleaner works to clean and prevent the injector pinholes from burning residue. It also keeps the fuel system clean when used regularly. The immediate impact is that the car's performance increases as the combustion process are done more optimally. The average cost of a fuel injector cleaning ranges between $50 and $80. It costs too much. If you have an injector cleaner, you can clean by yourself and save a lot of money. Here share some best fuel injector cleaners in 2022.

6 cylinder series fuel injector cleaners comparison table:
ModelPowerJET PRO 260CT200CNC-602INJ-6B
6 cylinder seriesPowerJET PRO 260CT200CNC-602INJ-6B
size375*405*510 485*465*490 670*500*600670*470*600
volume0.077 m3 0.111 m3 0.201 m30.189 m3
weight18KG 22.5KG 31KG 25KG
Support low resistance injector (1-2Ω) test and cleaning functionYes No No No
Support Top-feed fuel injector test & cleaningYes Yes Yes Yes
Support Side-feed fuel injector test & cleaningYes No Yes No
Support  fuel injector test & cleaningYes No No No
Support GM TBI injector test & cleaning Yes No Yes No
Support Votec injector test & cleaning Yes No No No
Injector resistance  testing function Yes No No No
RPM adjustable range:100~9900rpm, Yes No Yes Yes
Pulse width adjustable: 0.1~25ms, Yes No Yes Yes
Independent ultrasonic cleaning machine Yes No Yes Yes

4 cylinder series fuel injector cleaners comparison table:
ModelPowerJET 240PowerJET GDI S4CT160CT180CNC-402
4 cylinder seriesSummary PowerJET 240summary PowerJET GDI S4
volume0.047 m30.047 m30.036 m30.045 m30.201 m3
Support low resistance injector (1-2Ω) test and cleaning functionYesYesNoNoNo
Support Top-feed fuel injector test & cleaningYesYesYesYesYes
Support Side-feed fuel injector test & cleaning (With Optional Spare parts)Yes (standard configuration does NOT support.)Yes (standard configuration does NOT support.) NoNoYes
Support GDI  fuel injector test & cleaningNoYesNoNoNo
Support GM TBI injector test & cleaning (With Optional Spare parts)Yes (standard configuration does NOT support.)Yes (standard configuration does NOT support.) NoNoNo
Support Votec injector test & cleaning (With Optional Spare parts)Yes (standard configuration does NOT support.) NoNoNo
Injector resistance  testing functionYesYes NoNoNo
RPM adjustable range:100~9900rpm,YesYes NoYesYes
Pulse width adjustable : 0.1~25ms,YesYes NoYesYes

From the comparison cable, we can see that the new brand Summary injector cleaner PowerJET PRO 260 (6 cylinder series) and PowerJET 240& S4 (4 cylinder series) support comprehensive functions. Summary machine can support all kinds of injector cleaning and testing.

Votec injector:

Top-feed fuel injector:

Side-feed fuel injector:

GDI fuel injector:

GM TBI injector:

All the three Summary injector cleaners are available at eobdtool.co.uk now.

1. SUMMARY POWERJET GDI S4 Injector Cleaner & Tester Machine Kit Support for 220V Petrol Vehicles Motorcycle 4-Cylinder:

2. SUMMARY POWERJET PRO 240 Injector Cleaner & Tester Machine Kit Support for 220V Petrol Vehicles Motorcycle 4-Cylinder:

3. SUMMARY POWERJET PRO 260 Injector Cleaner & Tester Machine Kit Support for 110V Petrol Vehicles Motorcycle 6-Cylinder:

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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