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Suzuki Baleno Smart Key Programmed by Autel KM100

已有 591 次阅读2022-5-9 02:36 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, km100 分享到微信

Have a 2018 SUZUKI Baleno. Successfully programmed two smart keys by Autel KM100 with VCI.

First of all, connect the Autel VCI to the vehicle’s OBD2 port
Then, go to KM100 main menu, select Settings>> VCI Manager to pair KM100 and VCI
The VCI is paired OK, back to main menu to enter IMMO function
Select SUZUKI>> System selection>> Automatic location
Let it detect the system automatically

KM100 shows the voltage of the car
If the battery of the device is low, it’s not recommended to use.
This is an 8 digit system. So select BCM (8 digit), then Immobilizer remote control learning

Switch the hazard on and the ignition is also on
If all keys are lost, there is a way to switch the ignition on through the fuse box in the engine compartment.

Select ‘ID Code Reading’
Get two different options for the codes

Select ‘Key Learning’
Read the instruction carefully
-After the function is carried out, all keys will be cleared. These keys cannot be used unless they are learned again. If this function is required, please get all keys ready.

Click ‘No’ to enter 8-digit pin code manually that we have read the IC code
Check if the security code is correct.

Follow the guidance step according to the key type.
Take the key and put it onto the button and press OK
First key is learned successfully

Click ‘Yes’ to learn the second key
Put the key onto the start button as well
Learn the second key successfully

Learning is completed
Disconnect the Autel VCI
Turn off the ignition and then start the car to test the remote
Both smart keys work perfectly.
Good job! Nice tool- Autel MaxiIM KM100!

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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