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PCMTuner 1.21 ECU Read/ Write/Checksum: Yes or No

热度 1已有 1524 次阅读2022-4-7 21:15 |系统分类:科技教育| pcmtuner 分享到微信

Which ECU can do reading, writing and checksum with PCMtuner Magic Car Tool? Here have collected some questions that customers asked frequently recently.

Q: Does pcmtuner read and write sid307 of Mercedes A class?
A: Yes, select Module 25, still looking for test results for A class.

Q: I can read MB class A 2014 Sid 310 with pcmtuner 1.21?
A: Yes. Use Module 59 (UDS protocol).

Q: Can i read and write Toyota Hilux 2.8 diesel by pcmtuner?
A: You need to research ECU type fitted.

Q: Can I use pcmtuner to read Nissan 350z?
A: Yes.

Q: Subaru 2.0 150cv by pcmtuner?

A: Yes, use module 16. You can always test to see if ID’s correctly.

Q: BMW f30 edc17c50 reading with pcm tuner via OBD?
A: Yes, support reading and writing via OBD. Check the specific type..

Q: Does pcmtuner read and write sid208 and Sid20?
A: Yes.

Q: Can pcmtuner 1.21 clone a Siemens SID 801 read and write ECU and a dcm 6 bosh ECU?
A: Yes. Bosch, Siemens/Continental, Delphi ECUs, etc. reading, writing, checksum correction for most ECUs.

Q: Can pcm tuner read and write VAG DQ200 TCU?
A: Yes.

Q: DQ250 MQB reading and writing with pcmtuner via boot?
A: Yes. Support DQ250MQB (0D9) reading, writing, checksum correction via boot/bench.

Q: Can I use pcmtuner to work with Ford Ranger 2016, 3.2 engine SID 209 Ecu? Via OBD? BENCH? BOOT?
A: Yes, it supports the following types via OBD.
Ford Ranger: 3.2L Diesel (SID209) writing after unlocking in BSL,checksum correction.
Ford Ranger: 3.2L Diesel (SID209/BSL) reading.

Q: Use pcmtuner to match old ecu of Nissan march 2015 Mexico?
A: Yes.

Q: It reads write and unlock in obd (without opening the ecu) VW 1.6 simos pcr2.1 by pcmtuner?
A: Yes.

Q: Pcmtuner supports volvo V40 D2 ecu Continental Sid 807evo?
A: Only supports Volvo SH7058 EEPROM (56).

Q: Does pcmtuner support this ECU- AC DELCO E87 for Opel Astra J 1.7 95Kw?
A: Currently it only supports Opel 1.7L CDTI SH7058/SH7059 EEPROM (86) reading, and writing. And Opel/Chevrolet 2.0L, 2.2L CDTI (DCM3.7) reading, writing, checksum correction.

Q: PCMTuner read and write Simos PCR 2.1 ECU via obd socket without opening ECU?
A: Supports 1.6L TDI (PCR2.1) reading, writing, checksum correction (map area reading/writing after unlocking in BSL!) and PCR2.1 (EEPROM/UNLOCK/BSL) reading, writing (EEPROM reading/writing, ECU unlocking).

Q: Can pcmtuner read eeprom without opening edc16 and Sid 804?
A: Except module 71, 53, 58 needs to read with opening the ecu, other ecus can read via OBD.

Q: Does PCMTUNER support EDC17 CP44? How to read in virtual you need internet connection or the file is in the usb key?
A: Only supports 3.0L TDI (EDC17CP44) and 4.2L TDI (EDC17CP24/EDC17CP44) virtual reading, writing, checksum correction. The factory will create account for you to query.

Q: Can Pcm Tuner read/write Ford Mustang with Continental EMS24xx ecu?
A: No, it supports Ford Mondeo 5: 2.5L Duratec Ti-VCT 150/171PS [GV6A] (EMS24XX).

Q: Does pcmtuner ecu programmer support toyota ecu map reading?
A: No.

Q: Opel Astra 1.4l 150cv 2019 ecu delco e80 by pcmtuner?
A: No.

Q: I can read BMW f30 edc17c50 to obd?
A: No.

Q: Does pcmtuner support BMW EDC17xxxx ECU?
A: No.

Q: I want to brush bosch med17.3.3 alfa Romeo, can pcmtuner do it? Read all ecu data and checksum?
A: No.

Q: Does pcmtuner support 640 15.2L 471kW/632HP EDC17CV42 MAN TG-Series 2014, 640 15.2L 471kW/632HP MD1CE100 MAN TG-Series 2020?
A: No.

Q: BMW edc17 2012 through virtual read or obd by pcmtuner?
A: No.

To be continued….

If you are interested in 2022 PCMTuner 1.21 ECU programmer, please ask our customer service to check whether your ECU type is supported or not before purchasing.

You also can check from PCMTUNER ECU support list by yourself.

Contact info:
WhatsApp/Hotline: +86 159 7293 3706
Skype: Eobdtool.co.uk
Email: sales@eobdtool.co.uk

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop








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