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Scania VCI3 SDP3 2.51.1 Free Download & Install on Win10 Pro (with activatio

已有 2786 次阅读2022-3-31 21:11 |系统分类:科技教育| scania, vci3 分享到微信

The newest Scania SDP3 software is V2.51.1 (released on March 28th, 2020). It has been tested by eobdtool.co.uk engineer. Here offer the related free download link and 1 time activation service. Download and install it on Win10 for your Scania VCI3 diagnostic tool ASAP.

Free download Scania SDP3 2.51.1:
Resource 1: Mega link
Size: 980.2MB
Note: Contact our customer service to get the password.

Resource 2: stable, 100% working with 1 time free activation
Free download Scania SDP3 2.50.2
Without keygen. Activation by providing us hardware ID.

Scania was able to update the most of trucks with a secret update by SDP3 in 2.49 and 2.50 programs, and with the applied change.

Scania SDP3 2.51.1 software info:
Software version: V2.51.1
Year/Release Date: 03.2022
Title: Scania Diagnos & Programmer 3
Language: English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Persian, Finnish, Russian, Thai, Turkish, Swedish, Chinese, Czech, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese

Compatible devices: it has been tested 100% working ok with all available Scania VCI3 truck diagnostic tools- item No. SH58 & SH58-B (simply version and cheap), SH58-C (best quality)

Operating system:
Win10 pro Only
Win7 is not supported, because the NET Framework 4.80 cannot be installed on Win7.

How to install SDP3 V2.51.1?
The installation guide is the same as Scania SDP3 V2.50.2.

Main steps:
Step 1: Send Scania VCI3 V2.51.1 folder from DVD to the desktop
Step 2: Install Adobe Reader 9.2
Step 3: Extract Scania Diagnos & Programmer3 2.51.1
Step 4: Install SDP3 2.51.1 software
Step 5: Download and install NET Framework 3.5 (includes.NET2.0 and 3.0)
Step 6: Open the FIX file/_prereqset64v3 to check the computer system info (depending on your computer operating system)

Restart the computer
Step 7: Install system driver software
Step 8: Run Hardware ID Reader

Copy the SDP3 HWID reader x64 (public) ID and add it to the registry
Step 9: Copy all files from fix folder and paste them to Local Disk (C:) SDP3 folder
Restart computer


For further problems, feel free to contact our customer service.
WhatsApp/Hotline: +86 159 7293 3706
Skype: Eobdtool.co.uk
Email: sales@eobdtool.co.uk

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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