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Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E vs. TS608 vs.MK808TS vs.TS508-WF vs. TS508

已有 536 次阅读2022-3-27 22:27 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, its600e 分享到微信

Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E is a wireless, 5.5-inch touchscreen Android-based tablet that offers complete TPMS diagnostics and four common service functions, and can be used for U.S, Asian, European TPMS-equipped vehicles. It’s also compatible with Autel TBE200/TBE100 Tire Tread & Brake Disc Wear Analysis tool (sold separately). When it comes to TPMS functions, ITS600E has the same function as the TS608 but is better in UI design and more details (like tire functions, vehicle scanning, reset functions).

Check the comparison table to learn more.
LanguageEnglish, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Russian, Italian, Korean, Japanese (Provide your S/N to activate the language)English, Simplified/ Traditional Chinese, French, Spanish, Dutch, etc.English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Russian, Italian, Korean (Provide your S/N to activate the language)English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Italian, Korean, Japanese. (Provide your S/N to activate the language)English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Italian, Korean, Japanese. (Provide your S/N to activate the language)
Software updateUpdate online one year for free, the update cost is 100USD/year, after first yearOne Year Free Update OnlineUpdate online one year for free, update cost is 349USD/year, after one yearLifetime free update onlineLifetime free update online
Easy Vehicle IdentificationAutoVIN, VINscan, QR code/Barcode scan, Plate scan, manually select/inputAutoVIN, Manually select/ inputAutoVIN, Manually select/ inputManually select/inputManually select/input
Activate, Read, Relearn all TPMS Sensors
Autel Sensor Batch programmingUp to 20 sensorsUp to 16 sensorsUp to 16 sensorsUp to 16 sensorsUp to 16 sensors
View live data for TPMS system××
DOT Scan, Tire expiration notice, tire recall lookupComing soon with Autel-cloud based AppComing soon with Autel-cloud based App××
All systems diagnostic & all maintenance servicesFree OLS, SAS, BMS, EPB; Optional purchase of Pro upgrade for all system diagnostics, all maintenance××
Operating systemAndroid 9.0Android 4.4Android 4.4××
Lithium-ion battery3.8V/5000mAh3.7V/5000mAh3.7V/5000mAh3.7V/3200mAh3.7V/3200mAh
Display5.5 inch TFT LCD-touch (1280*720)7 inch TFT LCD-touch (1024*600)7 inch TFT LCD-touch (1024*600)2.8 inch TFT LCD-touch (320*240)2.8 inch TFT LCD-touch (320*240)
Tread depth& bake disc wear examiner TBE200Sold separately××××
MaxiTPMS ITS600E is the winner!!!
It supports multi-language, programs up to 20 sensors, identifies vehicles by more methods (AutoVIN, VINscan, QR code/Barcode scan, Plate scan, manually select/input). Not only can activate, read and relearn all known sensors, also can perform TPMS system diagnostics and four common maintenance services.

Autel ITS600E is designed exclusively for use with Autel MX sensor 1 sensor. It’s important to provide some additional clarification on sensor compatibility. MX sensors are blank when removed from the packaging and cannot be activated. Autel sensors must first be programmed with the correct protocol using an Autel TPMS tool. After programming, the MX sensor will emulate the OEM sensor for the make, model and year of the vehicle being serviced. Once the Autel MX sensor is programmed with ITS600E or any other Autel TPMS tools, it can be activated serviced and relearned with any tool available on the market. Autel TPMS tools are compatible with all OEM and direct fit aftermarket sensors. Universal programmable sensors from other manufacturers are also compatible provided, they’re first programmed with their respective tools prior to installation. They’re virtually no situation where the Autel MX sensor 1 sensor isn’t the best solution.

2022 Autel MaxiTPMS ITS600E TPMS Relearn Tool:

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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