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Autel Elite II Using Tips: VCI Firmware Update+ Software Delete/Download/Backup

已有 814 次阅读2022-3-23 21:36 |系统分类:科技教育| autel 分享到微信

Here are a series of instructions for using Autel MaxiSys Elite II.

Main contents:
  • Update the VCI firmware (connect the VCI to tablet with USB cable)
  • Delete car software and Download software
  • Backup software to external SD card
  • Install and uninstall third-party Apps
Note: All guides also apply to Autel Ultra series, MS906MS906 Pro and MS906 Pro-TS.
In detail…

1. Update the VCI firmware (connect the VCI to tablet with USB cable)

Tap MaxiSys to enter the home

Select VCI Manager>> VCI BT
Check if the Autel Elite II is connected to other device

It’s disconnected.

Click ‘VCI Update’
Make sure the VCI is ON and connected to the device via USB cable or Bluetooth
Then it will show the OS and FW current version & latest version.
Click ‘Update now’ to start updating

It will take about 5- 15 minutes, just keep patient.
Note: During upgrade, do not disconnect the VCI! Do not leave the VCI update page.

When the OS upgrade is completed, wait a moment to update FW version. Make sure that the VCI is ON and connected to the device via USB.
Note: During the reflashing process, do not disconnect the VCI! Do not leave the VCI update page.

The update is done!
OS and FW both update successfully.

2. Delete car software and Download software

e.g. Lifan car software
Click ‘Update’ in the MaxiSys main menu
There is no available update package in the update page.

Click the icon at the bottom left of the tablet screen
Tap ‘ES File Explorer’
Select Local>> Home>> Scan>> Vehicle>> Domestic>> Lifan
Click ‘OK’ to move to the recycle bin

Put the file into recycle bin successfully
Then go back to the main menu and select ‘Diagnostics’
Quick search Lifan in the search box
There is not related option now.

Go to MaxiSys>> Update again
You can see the related car software, click ‘Get’ to download.

After installing successfully, search the car model in the Diagnostic function again.
Now it displays on the screen.

3. Backup software to external SD card

Go to ‘ES File Explorer’
Select ‘external_sd’
Here you can see there are two files.
Select Home>> sdcard>> Scan>> BYD
Click ‘Copy’ at the bottom left of the screen

Go to ‘external_sd’ again and click ‘Paste’

Then you can see BYD file display on this page.

4. Install and uninstall third-party Apps

e.g.Google Japanese Input
Press and hold Google Japanese app, then move up
It will display Uninstall icon, move the app to the uninstall

Confirm to uninstall the app
After uninstalling successfully, go to the tablet main menu and select ‘ES File Explorer’

Select Local>> Japan_IME.apk

Confirm to install this application, it does not require any special access.
After installing APP successfully, back to the tablet main menu, then you can see the app displayed on the screen again.

OK, that’s whole MaxiSys Elite II using tips we want to share with you. Elite II supports multi-language and can be changed to any language supported. It can be delivered from UK, EU warehouse at eobdtool.co.uk now.

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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