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When and How to Use PCMTuner and VZperformance Software?

已有 1088 次阅读2022-3-15 21:38 |系统分类:科技教育| pcmtuner, software 分享到微信

When you get a PCMTuner ECU programmer, you can use it to do read and write ECU data via OBD, BENCH, and BOOT modes, perform a complete backup of ECU data, easy ECUs clones, and power upgrades, and read/ write gearboxes as well. Moreover, you can get a lot of VR files online, and download WinOLS damaos, A2L, map package for modifying ECU files. They can be performed by using PCMTuner and VZperformance software.

So, when and how to use the software?
For the user who is the first time use PCMtuner, you need to download and install the software firstly. (PCMTuner V1.21 Software Download + Driver Installation Guide)

When you open the PCMtuner software after installing successfully, it will ask ‘Do you want to register this device’. Then you need to register it firstly for your first time to use.

Enter the related personal info (full name, company name, email, phone and country and submit. At the same time, provide your register email to our customer service for activation.

Note: Make sure the email address is the same as the registered one. You can register by yourself, but need to activate by your dealer.

After activation, you can use the pcmtuner software directly, no need to login.
PCMTUNER software:
It is mainly used to see the wiring diagram. It can be updated online.
The PCMflash software is included inside, you can use it to read and write ECU.
Reference: How to Use PCMTuner 1.21 and PCMFlash Software?

Besides, after activation, you will get two sets of accounts & passwords from your dealer as well.

Account and password: both are your registered email
Purpose: for tuner support, have VR file and many damaos
When PCMtuner software is installed done, you need to go to install tuner account software- VZperformance software (like the figure below)

If you don’t want to install this software, you can directly visit https://support.vz-performance.com

When you get user name and password you can login directly.

If you want to get VR files, or WinOLS damaos or A2L file, just click search function, and type what you want.

At this account, you also can request chiptuning, like stage1-stage3, popbangs, adblue, dpf, etc, just need to create ticket, but they’re paid items.
Stage 1 70EURO
Stage 2 100EURO
Stage 3 250EURO

gearbox tuning, LC, sportdisplay, immo off, adblue off, dpf off, dtc off, vmax, swirl off 60EURO/unit

Another account is for visiting https://www.tuner-box.com
Account: your registered email
Password: your PCMtuner S/N

Purpose: for creating ticket support tool user
The serial number can be found from PCMtuner software as shown below.

Hope it helps!

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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