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1.21 PCMtuner Account FAQs: What can do? How to register/activate?

已有 1201 次阅读2022-3-2 05:07 |系统分类:科技教育| pecmtuner 分享到微信

PCMTuner has its own software which is similar to Autotuner. They know what tuner want. The software is not only for read and write, but can supply more solutions for you when you have the tool. With the tuner account, you can download VR files, winOLS damaos, map packs and has lots of benefits, just provide your available email address to us to register and activate.

What can you do with the 1.21 PCMtuner Tuner account?
1. There are a lot of VR files online for you.

2. Professional tuner can download WinOLS damaos, A2L, map package for modifying ECU files.
These data are very expensive when you go to order on the market. But when you have pcmtuner v1.21, you don’t need to pay extra fee for these data.

3. If you can’t tuning by yourself, our tuner can help you do to do these features incl.
*stage1 stage2 stage3
*pop bangs
*Immo off
*BMW sport display
*tuning gearbox, such as Luach control 6dtc off
*adblue off 8 dpf off
*3 bar sensor map
*torque off
*MAF off
*map switch
*deactivate or active sport exhaust valve
Note: These are paid services. For the specific price, please refer to PCMtuner Chip Tuning Remap Files Service Price List
Of course, you also can tune by yourself without any fee if you have professional knowledge.

4. Face to face our tuner, can give some guides for you on chip tuning.

How to get the pcmtuner account?
Order pcmtuner, provide your available email address to us to help you register and activate.
When you get the pcmtuner account which the email address has been activated from our customer service, you can log in to this website https://support.vz-performance.com to perform the related functions.
  • User name: your registered email address
  • Password: the serial number of your pcmtuner ECU programmer
Note: the pcmtuner software account can’t be created by yourself, you must request from your dealer.

Kindly notice:
If you don’t have a pcmtuner, you also can get pcmtuner account. The premise is that you have KTM series tool such as KTM Bench, KTM Bench 3 in 1, etc, what you need to do is update your old ktm serials dongle as PCMtuner smart dongle (send the old dongle back to us for updating or buy a new pcmtuner dongle), then you will get our software and account.

Why choose this PCMtuner 1.21?
1. Tuner design it, more suitable our group
2. We know what tuner want
3. Not only for chiptuning but also for locksmith and ecu repairs worker
4. Not only for read and write, but also can supply more solutions for you when you have our tool
5. We are from a tuner group, so we can give more support to all our legal user

Which car models (ECU) can work with PCMTuner?
Visit https://www.tuner-box.com/ to check what you want.

When you get our tool what should we do?
1. Go to account page, download stock software.
2. If your laptop install other software, like pcmflash, guardant driver, schematics, pls uninstall all of them
3. Install our pcmtuner software one by one
4. After install is done, then run pcmtuner software, register it.
5. Contact us to help you activate your tool (need supply your register email)
6. When you need to run pcmtuner, you need to connect pcmtuner box and smart dongle to laptop, or you cannot open it.
7. Bugs if happen cannot see it works, pls go to search page, search MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64 then download it and install it.
8. How to find ecu pinout, run pcmtuner software, then search, such as MED17.5.25, then enter twice, there will show, we supply most of bench, boot already too old, of you need, free contact us, we will help you update it
9. When you activated your tool, you will auto get tuner-box.com account, any tool question, you can create ticket, your user name is your email, password is your device serial number
login site here: http://tuner-box.com/login
10. Big news. all tuner and workers, we supply VR file and WinOLS damoas, A2L, map package for free use, you just
need click search, then type what you want, there will have, we will update more. If you don’t find what you want, pls create ticket contact us.

Can you read the ecu and send the map to any mapper and write back to the ecu?
Yes, you don’t need to send map to other mappers, download file from tuner account and write back to ECU directly.

Read more:
2022 V1.21 PCMtuner with 67 Modules User Guide (Attach Support ECU List)
2022 V1.21 PCMtuner vs. V1.20 KTM200 67 in 1 ECU Programmer
PCMTuner V1.21 FAQs: Price, Update, Dongle, Car List…
PCMtuner Chip Tuning Remap Files Service Price List

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