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Yanhua Mini ACDP Refresh Mercedes- Benz DME in 2 Ways

已有 1086 次阅读2022-1-20 21:28 |系统分类:科技教育| yanhua, module 分享到微信

Yanhua Mini ACDP currently supports two modes to refresh Mercedes-Benz DME. One is the wiring method, and the other is the interface board method. Check which modules are needed and how to use them.

Method 1: by wiring mode
Device needed:
Mini ACDP+ ACDP Mercedes Benz DME/ISM Refresh Module 18

Src: https://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/acdp-benz-dme-ism-refresh-module-18.html

DME models supported:
CR3.XX/ CR4.XX/ CR5/ CR6/ CR60.XX/ CRD.11/ CRD2.XX/ ME2.8/ ME9.7/ MED17.7.X/ SIM266/ SIM271DE2.0/ SIM271KE2.0/ SIM4LE/ SIM4LKE etc.

ISM supported:
Only supports Mercedes FBS3 so far. FBS4 is not supported, there is no device can support it on the market.

How to use:
Step 1: Connect ACDP, PECU line and DME

Step 2: Open Mini ACDP APP
DME refresh:

Select Benz>> DME refresh>> the corresponding DME model supported>> Wiring mode>> Identify>> Refresh

ISM refresh:
Select Benz>> ISM refresh>> ISM>> Identify>> Refresh

Method 2: by interface board mode
This is the new mode that was developed by Yanhua Tech recently. Yanhua MB 12-in-1 Interface Board Adapter is specially designed for this mode. It comes with MB-DME 12 in 1 adapter, MB-12-MIX Interface Board and 20P cable. It cannot work alone and must work with ACDP Mercedes Benz DME/ISM Refresh Module 18 together. The purpose is to get the DME refresh license.

Src: https://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/yanhua-mb-12-in-1-interface-board-adapter.html

Devices needed:
Mini ACDP+ Yanhua MB 12-in-1 Interface Board Adapter+ ACDP Module 18

DME models supported:
CR3.XX/ CR4.XX/ CR5/ CR6/ CR60.XX/ CRD.11/ CRD2.XX/ ME9.7/ MED17.7.X/ SIM266/ SIM271DE2.0/ SIM271KE2.0/ SIM4LKE etc.
Note: ME2.8 and SIM4LE only can be done by wiring mode so far, cannot be supported by interface board mode.

How to use:
Step 1: Prepare ACDP, MB-DME 12 in 1 adapter, MB-12-MIX Interface Board, 20P cable and DME

Step 2: Connect the interface board correctly to the DME interface
Step 3: Short the CAN resistor on the adapter to the ‘CAN-R Join’
Step 4: Connect ACDP, adapter, interface board and DME

Step 5: Open Mini ACDP APP
Select Benz>> DME refresh>> the corresponding DME model supported>> Interface board mode>> Identify>> Refresh

Note: Please don't cut the power nor pull out the device during the operation.

In conclusion:
Compared with the traditional connection ways, it’s simple and more convenient to use the MB 12-in-1 Interface Board.
  • No wiring required, quick plug and unplug
  • Automatically identifies and connects 12 models of Mercedes-Benz DME
  • Automatically detect PIN, safe and reliable, to avoid wiring errors damaged the circuit

Good to know:
  • For the users who want to refresh MB DME by interface board mode, you should purchase Yanhua module 18 and MB 12-in-1 Interface Board together. If you have purchased module 18 before, just buy the new MB 12-in-1 Interface Board separately.
  • For the users who want to refresh MB DME/ISM by wiring mode, just use Mini ACDP module 18.
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