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Latest Xhorse Key Reader Decode Aluminum/ Plastic/ Metal Key Guide

已有 716 次阅读2021-11-21 21:27 |系统分类:科技教育| xhorse, key, reader 分享到微信

The latest Xhorse Key Reader/ Decoder supports Aluminum/ Plastic/ Metal key decoding! Working with Panda/ CondorDolphin series key cutting machine, you can get key bitting in one click. 

Before, to cut Aluminum or plastic keys, you have to get key bitting first (by LISHI Decoder, picture decoding on Xhorse App etc.); besides, it's easy to break the probe and the cutter and the key cut is not perfect.

Now, the little key reader gives you accurate identification of key bitting in one click.

Let me show you some examples.

Decode Fiat SIP22 key

Path: Optical Identification>>Fiat>>[All key blank]>>SIP22>>Identification

Put the key into the coil and click on "identification".

Then click on "Cutting Key" to connect key cutting machine.

Decode Aluminum/plastic key

Decode HU162T key (mainly for VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda...)

How Xhorse Key Reader duplicate a key with Condor XC-Mini II?

On screen, press

Car Key>>Key blank>>HU66>>HU66 (NO.31)>>Advanced cutting>>Optical Device

Press the key reader's button and insert the key you want to copy.

Press "Start to identify". 

It takes only a few seconds to identify.

Then it will display the identification result and detail. 

Check the clamp and press "Start cutting". 

Tighten the key on the clamp and click on "Start cutting" and "Cut".

Put down the cover and wait for key cutting.

Within seconds we've got a copy.

Alright, that's how Xhorse Key Reader decodes Aluminum/ plastic/ metal key.

If you're interested in this little box, you can check the link below:


Come enjoy the pre-order price.

More Xhorse devices and other tools with the best price at

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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