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Lonsdor K518ISE/K518S - Good Ford IMMO Programmer

已有 730 次阅读2021-10-21 22:07 |系统分类:科技教育| lonsdor, k518ise 分享到微信

Confirmed: Lonsdor K518ISE/Lonsdor K518S is a good choice for IMMO programming on newer Fords. Lonsdor supports part of models up to 2021 (Explorer, Focus...). Besides, key programming on part of models doesn't need network connection. 

Lonsdor IMMO function coverage on Ford(CN, US, EU, AUS, IND, SA...):


More functions coverage:


Lonsdor K518ISE Key Programmer succeeded in programming smart keys in less than 3 minutes:

eg. Ford Escape/Kuga 2015 Keyless system

General procedure:

Immobilization>>FORD>>Kuga>>-2015>>Smart key>>Insert new keys and switch ignition on>>Reading PIN code>>Add smart key>>Reading PIN code>>Press unlock button for 1 second within 15 seconds>>Programming complete

Lonsdor K518ISE Programmer Test OK on Ford models:

Program Ford Ranger 2016 Remote Key

Ford Everest 2016 Remote Key

Program Ford Kuga 2013 Smart key without Pin Code

2009 Ford Focus

2015 Ford Focus 

2011 Ford F150

2013 Ford F150

2017 Ford C-max via focus

2012 Ford Focus bypass

2012 Ford F-250-

2014 Ford Fiesta No 10 min wait!

10 Ford Mustang under Kuga bypass

2007 Ford Taurus under explorer 2007

2016 Ford F150 Prox

2016 Ford Taurus prox

2015 Ford Edge remote key

Customers feedback

Review 1

I have Lonsdor and it works good with all newer Fords. Even with all keys lost. I have done 2018 Explorer, 2017 Expedition, 2015 F150, etc. It works good with Maserati key programming as well. Land Rover has good coverage. I've done BMW FEM/BDC All keys lost. (It was easier with Lonsdor than Autohex and VVDI). 

Review 2

I have lonsdor K518ISE, and OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus as well. I love lonsdor a bit more, although OBDSTAR's functionality is interesting. There are certain cars, some Fords I did, there were situations when I really didn't have the access to the Internet and I have to make it, Lonsdor is always with me.

Read also:

Lonsdor K518 test report

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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