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Toyota Smart Key Generated Can Start Car but Remote doesn’t Work

已有 976 次阅读2021-9-24 04:58 |系统分类:科技教育| lonsdor, k518ise 分享到微信

Many customers use Xhorse, Lonsdor or other brands’ smart key to generate like Toyota smart key. Sometimes new keys work but may not fully function this vehicle: remote, proximity feature or even one button doesn’t work. 

Actually, these smart keys are universal keys, not designed for one specific model. So, if your car starts but some functions don't work, we need to do more steps to match the remote to your vehicle – manual remote modification. 

Here, eobdtool raises two examples for your reference:

Example 1

Tool: Lonsdor K518ISE/Lonsdor K518S

Smart Key: Lonsdor FT11-H0410C Toyota Smart Key (Toyota AKL Online Calculation Activation is required)

Vehicle: Toyota Rav4 2020

Issue: Generate Lonsdor FT smart key, key can start the car but buttons don’t work.


Go to

Special functions>>Remote>>FT smart key>>8A>>Modify remote count value

Put key into the card slot.

After current remote count value reading, start manual modification.

Increase it by 400 and test if it works.

If not, add by 400 again.

Each time you modify it will automatically change the last two numbers of the value.

It’s normal, just copy that and add & test again. .

Example 2

Tool: VVDI Key Tool Max/VVDI Key Tool Plus 

Smart Key: Xhorse XM smart key

Vehicle: Toyota Tacoma 2016

       Toyota Rav4 2018

Issue: Only one option makes remote work but none has the prox feature working. Try another car, the same issue.


Go to

Special Function>>XM smart key customization

1.Modify frequency

Sometimes programming tool has no option we want, so we can choose a close one and modify later.

2.Modify Baud

Similar to count value modification above, add by 400 until it tests OK.

3.Modify Button

When you find one button like the trunk, unlock doesn’t work, the button value/ID maybe incorrect or identical to others.

Finally, before finishing generating smart key, be sure to test all buttons and proximity features. 

More info, please check

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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