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Reviews: Autel MaxiCOM MK908 Pro-level Scan Tool

已有 833 次阅读2021-9-16 22:10 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, mk908 分享到微信

Here is one less professional scanning tool for everyone. I have seen some tools that are very close to the professional level, but if you want to run a store or you want to enter those very difficult diagnostic areas, you may need a tool with two-way control. . So the first one I took home to check was Autel MK908 Diagnostic Tool.

Shop Manager

I haven’t used this much, but we have ability to keep track of customer databases (Customer manager), we have our “Workshop information” like what tech has what tickets and “Vehicle history”. Those are features that you don’t often see on a scan tool. 


Service is folded here. This gives us all possible settings. I usually go in though the car and pick, and it usually auto finds cars and brings you to these charts for that specific vehicle. 


Pretty self-explanatory.


If you set up the calibration system for self-driving or auto correcting cars, this does have that capability which is fairly impressive. Of course you have to purchase the extra equipment.


The number shows I got some updates to be done. 

Remote Desk

This device does have a HDMI port, so when I do training, I’ll often plug this into a much larger screen so that everyone doesn’t have to just huddle around and watch. 

VCI Manager

This helps you connect to your VCI in case you have more than one or you lose one and buy a replacement.


MaxiFix is the cloud. I don’t pay for that function, but it’s going to give us identity-fix-type prepared information so you can share with other texts. 


The Academy is like the help menu. It’s really neat: How do I pay, how do I fix, how do I do this etc., so you can go through there. This hasn’t been refreshed in some time, but it’s all you may get into this device. It’s not repair information, the Academy is how to use the tool more efficiently or what features and functions it has. 

Digital Inspection & MaxiScope

These two options are for add-ons. You can add a scope module to this, and it’s a four-channel scope. This does have a camera on the back and it’s also good for reading VIN numbers.


To show this, we have a Mitsubishi to connect by VCI. Auto scan, let’s see if it’ll find it: Not available. So we’ll escape and go with manual selection and it’s 2005. Just shot two minutes the auto scan is finished. Obviously the newer the car is, the faster this thing is going. 


You can hit report and see it. We just hit “MFI” to enter the function menu. I can get ECU information, freeze frame data if we had any code. We can go get live data. Here we pick few things like short TRIM, ignition advance, rpm and bank 1 sensor 1. We can look at things at a dial, a graph, a bar or words etc. separately, or make this one the entire screen. So when it comes to visualizing the live data, this tool is just awesome. 

Here’s our bi-directional control: cycling the fuel pump, cycling injectors, cycling a radiator fan etc. 

That works for all different modules, and that’s what makes this set apart from say the Foxwell. If I’m looking an engine diagnosis, the Foxwell does do a lot of bi-directional jobs, but if I were to go into window motors, that’s a non-professional scan tool. 


Then going to ABS here, the similar situation. This is where you diagnose your problem. Reading a check engine light, reading an ABS light, Autel does an excellent job of that visual display. 

So that’s pretty much about Autel MK908. 

Hope this helps you guys!

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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