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Launch BST-360 Bluetooth Battery Tester Test Jeep Liberty

已有 885 次阅读2021-9-14 22:04 |系统分类:科技教育| launch, bst-360 分享到微信

Launch BST-360 Bluetooth Battery Tester, the Bluetooth battery tester, supports:

Records printing & sharing via Bluetooth

International battery standards & 6V, 12V

Battery health test, Start system test, and charging health test

How to use Launch BST-360 Bluetooth Battery Tester?

Here we will take a Jeep Liberty as an example to show the process.

First, go to Google Play (for Android) or App Store (IOS) and search “BST360” to download the app.

Hook it up to the positive and the negative terminals. 

Open up the app.

1)Battery health test

After connection success, it displays the floating voltage prompt.

Click on "I know" and we’ll have "Common Battery" "AGM Start/Stop Battery" “GEL Battery” and “EFB Battery”.

Here we select "Common Battery" and then do the BCI standard. 

Input battery volume (here is 800cc).

Then press "Next" to do the next test.

2)Start system test

After confirm, turn off all electrical components including car lights radio, air conditioner, etc. as the prompt.

Start the car to execute the "start system test" to check the CCA draws.

3)Charging health test 

Go ahead with the prompts for the charging system test to check alternator output. 

Then tests call for the engine to be revved to 2,500 rpm.

Test complete and the report is ready for viewing on the app. 

In this situation, the battery health test tells us that it’s a good battery.

On the start system test, there’s a start duration with a start voltage which is normal, and so is the charging system.

Then we can save it and email that off to ourselves or customers. 

Launch BST-360 Bluetooth Battery Tester, now is available with a fairly affordable price - $81 (69 euros) on 

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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