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New Free Download: V5.1.1 VVDI MB Tool Software

已有 832 次阅读2021-8-24 21:43 |系统分类:科技教育| vvdi, tool, software 分享到微信

This post shows you the newest VVDI MB Tool Software V5.1.1 free download link and updates info.

Free download V5.1.1 VVDI BGA Tool software 

V5.1.1 VVDI BGA Tool update info

===== BENZ V5.1.1 ===== 

*Update date: 2021-07-13

*Require firmware V5.0.1

1.Release user manual V2.1 version


VVDI MB BGA Tool main functions:

Read Write Key 

1.Read key basic information 

2.Key with BE version, we can read password from key via IR directly. Of course, renew key, write new key file via IR is also supported 

3.Support IR repair key, repair key not work via IR 

4.NEC adaptor can read key password from NEC v51, v57 version 

5.Support read/activate blank BGA (0CF4) key 

6.Support read last HASH from key (Repair key) 

7.Support write and renew (NEC adaptor) NEC key versions following: 

v51, v57 v28, v35, v40, v03, v06, v08 (Keyless Go) v05, v07, v09 (Keyless Go) v59, v61 (Keyless Go)

EIS Tools 

1.Support read EIS data via OBD and IR adaptor 

2.Under OBD mode, we provide auto detect EIS type for CAN protocol and need to select EIS type manually for K protocol 

3.Support read W164, W209, W211 EIS via OBD without gateway support 

4.Support read old Motorola EIS (HC05, HC08, K-Line) password via IR directly 

5.Support renew EIS, make 2nd hand EIS to new one (online) 

6.Support replace EIS, you can write original EIS data to new EIS via IR 

7.Support write new VIN 

8.Support clear TP 

9.Support disable key position 

10.Support enable key position 

11.Support personalize W204 ESL 

12.Support test EIS, ESL, working key status 

13.Support reading the frame number and EIS number of the K-line EIS (OBD communication needs to short-circuit the pin 7 and pin 1 of the vehicle OBD) 

14. Support type: W164 W251 W164, W251 2009- W166, 197, 212, 218, 246 W169, 209, 211 W172, 204, 207, 212(old, with ESL) W203, 463, 639 (K) W202, 208, 210 (K) W215, 220 (K) W230 (K) W216 W221 W639 2009- W906

Password Calculation: support working key and lost all key

1.Password calculation can get the key password from working key and EIS (online) 

2.CAN protocol EIS all support password calculation (support BGA keys and other NEC keys) 

3.Data acquisition time depends on the key version. 

4.Calculate time in server: 30 seconds – 1 minute 

5.Now VVDI-MB TOOL is the fastest tool for password calculation.

6.Lost all key password calculation: Now we support calculate password for all FBS3 EIS while lost all keys

7.Fast collector support type (‘FAST’ after the option): 

W172, W204, W207 

W216 W164, W251 2009- 

W169, W209, W211, W202, W208, W210 

W203, W463, W639 

W639 2009- 



W164, W251

W215, W220 


W230 (with ESL)

W169 Type2 

8. Add keys support type: 

W164 W251 

W164,W251 2009- 

W166, 197, 212, 218, 246 

W169, 209, 211 W172, 204, 207, W212 (old, with ESL) 



W639 2009- 


W202, W208, W210 (FAST) 

W203, W463, W639 (FAST) 

IR read password, such as HC12 (W209/W211), HC08 (W203/W215/W220/W230) Motorola EIS

Prepare Key File

1.Prepare key file means prepare the key file which you will write to new key (online) 

2.Prepare key file need about 20 seconds 

3.Support VVDI-MB type EIS data and old Motorola EEPROM dump  

ESL Tools

1.Support read ESL data via OBD (K-Line) 

2.Support renew ESL, renew second-hand ESL (online) 

3.Support replace ESL, you can write original ESL or EIS data to the new ESL 

4.Support write new VIN 

5.Support clear TP 

6.Support auto personalized ESL, no need to renew EIS 

7.Support check ESL damage status

8.Support repair W204 ESL NEC chip(fatal error: 0xAA) and Motorola ESL chip VVDI – MB TOOL User Manual 10 2021-06-01 Ver: 2.1 

9.Support renew VVDI-MB W204 emulator

Renew ECU/Gearbox 

This function support renews, write VIN, personalization operation for module ECU, Gearbox, ISM, etc.  

KM Repair 

Support repair dashboard KM. Support the following type: 

1.C(W204), GLK(X204), CLK(W207), E(W212), SLS(W197), CLS(W218) 

2.R-Class(W251), GL(X164), ML(W164) 

3.E-Class(W211), CLS(W219) 

4.S-Class(W221), CL(216) 

5.W166, W172, W246, W231

6.W205 Warning: This function is only used for mileage repair, please abide by local laws and regulations, and do not use it for illegal purposes.

Set key frequency/upgrade smart key 

1.Support specific manufacturer keys to change the key frequency through IR 

2.Support the smart key of a specific manufacturer to upgrade to the latest version of the server through IR  

Points system

Use the VVDI BE key to earn extra points. This point can not only redeem the point of the password calculation but also can redeem functions and accessories.  

Read/Write CGW (ZGW) 

Support Read/Write gateway EEPROM and FLASH completely. 

Support following type: 

1.A-Class (W169) 

2 B-Class (W245) 

3.C-Class (W204) 

4.E-Class (W211) 

5.E-Class (W212) 

6.GLK (X204) 

7.CLK (W207) 

8.CLS (W218) 

9.CLS (W219) 

10.Maybach (W240) 

11.SLK (R171) 

12.SLR (R199) 

13.SLS (R197) VVDI – MB TOOL User Manual 11 2021-06-01 Ver: 2.1 

14. GL (X164) 

15. M-Class (W164) 

16. R-Class (W251) 

17. SMART 

18. S-Class (W221)

19. CL (W216)  

FBS4 Disable key 

This function is suitable for disabling the keys of W166, W205, W213, W218, W222 and W246 chassis 

Important note: The disabled key can only be enabled online through the original diagnostics tools  

Special Instructions (2021.05.01)

1.The newest cars after 2015 with FBS4 EIS don’t support read data and passwords, we are still working on it. 

2.Renew EIS and renew ESL are both require to erase passwords. Now search erase passwords have a 92% success rate. We are building a new server to erase passwords. It will support all erase passwords after the new server has been finished.







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