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Free Download and Install Scania VCI3 SDP3 V2.48.2

已有 2460 次阅读2021-7-19 03:11 |系统分类:科技教育| Scania, VCI3, SDP3 分享到微信

This article will give you a focus on how to install the latest version of Scania VCI3 SDP3 V2.48.2, and also give its download link.

Free download Scania SDP3 2.48.2:


Password: f68n85

No risk!

Available link to get the Scania VCI SDP3 2.48.2 Diagnos & Programmer + Activation without Dongle:


Language:  English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Dutch, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Suomi, Turkish, Italian, Czech, Russian, Chinese.

Operating system: Windows 7 or Win10 32 bit/64 bit (recommend)

Compatible devices: it has been tested 100% working fine with all available Scania VCI3 truck diagnostic tools- item No. SH58 & SH58-B (simply version and cheap), SH58-C (best quality)

SDP3 V2.48.2 installation guide:

Operating system: Win10 Pro 64bit

Note: Need Netframework 4.6.2 or up version installed on the system. (After installation, remember to restart your pc so that it can work normally). In order to install SDP3, administrator rights are required.

Main steps:

1.Open the Scania SDP3 2.48.2 software folder has downloaded

2.Open AdbeRdr920_en_US to install Adobe Reader 9.2

3.Open NDP462-KB3151800-X86-X64-AIIOS-ENU to install Microsoft.NET 2015

  • If the NET Framework 4.6.2 or a later update is already installed on your computer, you will get a related prompt. Just close it to do the next step.

4.Open Scania Diagnos & Programmer3 2.48.2 application to install

It will take about 10 minutes to finish SDP3 2.48.2 setup, please keep patient!


  • It's recommended that you close all other applications before starting Setup. This will make it possible to update system files without having to reboot your computer.
  • Make sure the VCI unit and SDP3 USB key are disconnected from the computer before continuing with this installation.

5.Click Prerequisites and press any key to check device installation, user account control (UAC) and change test signing settings are completed

6.Open FIX file to run Hardware ID Reader.exe

Go to “System and Security” of the computer to check the computer basic info (It’s Windows 10 Pro 64 bit)

Then go back to FIX file to select the corresponding computer system type file (x64) and click install to run as an administrator

7.Run Hardware ID Reader

Copy the SDP3 HWID reader x64 (public) ID and add it to the registry 

8.Open fix file to copy all files and paste them to Local Disk (C:) SDP3 folder

9.Restart computer

10.The SDP3 software is ready to use, you can run the SDP3 software on desktop to do any function supported.


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