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Autel MK808 Check BMW Engine Light Diagnose & Turn Off

已有 1628 次阅读2021-7-8 22:22 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, mk808 分享到微信

This article will introduce how to use Autel MK808 to diagnose and check engine lights on BMW cars and clear fault codes to turn them off

Autel MaxiCOM MK808 is one of the best BMW/Mini code readers/scanners. It can work on all systems like Engine, ABS, airbags, transmission, DPF, service reset, electronic parking brake, parking sensors and more… It can be used on all BMW's such as BMW 1 Series E81, E82, E87, E88, F20, F21, BMW 3 Series E36, E46, E90, E91, E92, E93, F30, F31, F35, BMW 4 Series F32, F33, F36, BMW 5 Series E39, E60, F07, F10, F11, BMW 6 Series E63, E64, F12, F13, BMW 7 Series E38, E65, E66, F01, F02, F03, F04, BMW X1 E84, BMW X3 E83, F25, BMW X4 F26, BMW X5 E53, E70, BMW X6 E71, BMW Z3, BMW Z4 E85, E86, E89, BMW Z8 E52, Mini R50 R52 R53 Mk1 Hatch & Convertible, Mini R55 Clubman, Mini R56 R57 Mk2 Hatch & Convertible, Mini R58 R59 Coupe & Roadster, and Mini R60 Countryman.

Now check the related operation guide to diagnose and reset check engine light on BMW.

Car model: e.g. 2016 BMW 3 series F31 320d_B47 (Europe)

Connect MK808 to the OBD2 port of the BMW car via the main cable

Select Diagnostics >> BMW >> Manual selection >> 3 series >> F30/F31/F35 

Confirm the vehicle info

It’s gonna quickly go through and read the control unit info. 

Then select Diagnostics >> Control unit >> Drive >> DDE (Engine-Diesel Electronics) >> Read codes

There are 2 fault codes that have been diagnosed by Autel MK808.

25F500 – Intake Air Temperature(IAT) sensor signal; circuit open/short to battery (+)

28D600 – HFM (Hot Film Air Mass Meter) signal; circuit open/short to ground or positive terminal

If you don’t know what the codes meant, just put them into Google, it’ll ultimately give you the info on how to do it. 

There is a fault with the mass airflow sensor. In fact, one of them has taken out and a new one has been put in. But obviously, the BMW is still getting 2 fault codes and a warning light.

So escape back and select Erase codes to do

The DTCs and freeze data will be detected. Just confirm it and go to continue.

The fault codes have been successfully erased. At the same time, the check engine light has gone!


That’s the whole process to use Autel MaxiCOM MK808 all system diagnostic tool to reset check engine light on BMW. It’s suitable for all BMW cars which have a check engine light on the dashboard.

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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