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Comparison: Autel MaxiIM IM608 and VVDI Key Tool Plus

已有 1078 次阅读2021-2-24 02:33 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, im608 分享到微信

Autel MaxiIM IM608 with XP400 Pro supports the same advanced function as Autel IM608 Pro. Both it and Xhorse Key Tool Plus Pad are all-in-one security solution for locksmiths. Here share the main difference in vehicle coverage and function between them. Hope it helps!

Autel MaxiIM IM608 advantages:

1.Supports all system diagnosis;

2.Supports special function incl. Oil reset, EPB, TPMS, BMS, Brade bleed, DPF, Injector, SAS, Suspension, Throttle, Win DR Roof, Seat, Odometer, Headlamp, CHG tire size, TEC learn, Cylinder, Turbocharging, etc.

3.Supports more car models in key programming and odometer adjustment than Key Tool Plus.

Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad advantages:

1.Supports more types in BMW ISN/EEPROM/MCU read and PIN Code calculation, etc.

2.It’s better to do key programming for Mercedes-Benz, BMW and VW;

3.It’s more powerful to do transponder such as remote & special chip generation/ copy, access card copy, etc.

4.Available to control the Xhorse key cutting machines (Condor, Dolphin, Panda and more)

Learn more:

1.VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad provides the most of functions from other original Xhorse devices, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, VW and programming. But so far it doesn’t over the function of the original one, and some functions covered are less than original, the features are still being added.

2.The original Xhorse device doesn’t support Ford, GM, Chrysler and other car brands, but it’s under development now. Though there is still a gap in the vehicle coverage and function effects than IM608 Pro, Key Tool Plus is also a good device to choose.

View more info, please click the related link as below:

Autel MaxiIM IM608 Plus XP400 Pro Advanced IMMO Key Programmer Same Functionality as Autel IM608 Pro NO IP Limit:


Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Pad All-in-One Programmer:









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