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Godiag GT100 Plus CAS4 Test Platform Key Synchronization Test

已有 709 次阅读2021-2-1 21:55 |系统分类:科技教育| godiag, gt100 分享到微信

Today, we’ll use Godiag GT100 and Godiag CAS4 Test Platform to possess a key synchronization test.
Here are the steps:
1.Connect Godiag GT100, Godiag CAS4 Test Platform, CAS4 module and therefore the power.
2.Turn on the facility button of Godiag GT100.
3.Put the key into Godiag CAS4 Test Platform. Then GODIAG GT100 CANL and CANH indicators will flash and data are going to be sent.
4. Now, GT100 CANL and CANH indicators leave . the rationale is that we haven’t turned on the “Start” button of Godiag CAS4 Test Platform. 

Godiag GT100 Plus CAS4 Test Platform Key Synchronization Test_图1-1

4.Now, activate the “Start” button of CAS4 Test Platform, then GODIAG GT100 CANL and CANH indicators will flash and data are going to be sent.

Godiag GT100 Plus CAS4 Test Platform Key Synchronization Test_图1-2

5.Turn off the “Start” button of CAS4 Test Platform, GODIAG GT100 CANL and CANH indicators still flash and data remains being sent.

6.Press the “Start” button of CAS4 Test Platform again. After expecting about 15 seconds, GODIAG GT100 CANL and CANH indicators will leave .

7.Remove the key from GODIAG CAS4 Test Platform, and data are going to be sent again and GODIAG GT100 CANL and CANH indicators will flash, which suggests that the key and CAS4 module are synchronized.

8.When the key and CAS4 module aren't synchronized, GODIAG GT100 CANL and CANH indicators won’t flash and data won’t be sent if we put the key into GODIAG CAS4 Test Platform. activate the “Start” button of GODIAG CAS4 Test Platform, then the Dash indicator on GODIAG CAS4 Test Platform will leave . Besides, after about 15 seconds, GODIAG GT100 CANL and CANH indicators will leave , too. Press the “Start” button of CAS4 Test Platform again, the phenomenon is that the same.







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