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How to Generate MIT11R Key Type by 2M2 Magic Tank?

已有 689 次阅读2020-10-13 22:17 |系统分类:科技教育| 2m2, magic, tank 分享到微信

2M2 Magic Tank (X6 Plus) updates from September 2020, it also called 2M2 Tank key blade maker. Only need one piece of copper and can make most of the common key types, such as flat key types, standard key types, laser key types, inner groove, outer groove, 2 tracks, 4 tracks and many special types. This post mainly shares the guide to create key type MIT11R (standard key) by 2M2 Magic Tank and T# super key blank.

2m2 creat key type

What you need:
2M2 Magic Tank key cutting machine
2M2 Magic Tank T series key blade (T# super key blank)
Android smartphone

Tips to choose super key blank:
There are three kinds of super key blanks, S#, L# and T#.
Choose the one depends on what type key you want to do.

S#: apply to laser key

L#: apply to laser key which width is over 7.8 mm, and the size is bigger than S#

T#: apply to standard key/flat key

Another method to choose the super key blank:
Open 2M2 Magic Tank APP
Select [Generate Key Type-> Standard key or Laser key -> key area-> key model
Then it will prompt you to put the super key blank you need

Step-by-step guide to creating key type MIT11R:
Step 1: Download the newest version of 2M2 Magic Tank

For old users:
Just free update the Magic Tank APP to the newest version

For new users:
Download from Google Play by searching for “Magic Tank” or scan QR code to download by browser
2m2 magic tank app dwnload

Step 2: Connect 2M2 Magic Tank key cutting machine with Android phone via Bluetooth
Step 3: Open TANK APP
Select [Generate Key Type]-> “Next”-> [Standard key]-> [Japan]-> [MIT11R]

Step 4: Follow the prompt to put a T# super key blank on the fixture and fix it

Step 5: Start to cut the key
Cut four sides of the key blank in sequence

Step 6: 2M2 Magic Tank (X6 Plus) create key type MIT11R successfully
Insert it into a cylinder to check whether it can use normally

Video reference:

V2020 2M2 Magic Tank(X6 Plus) Automatic Car Key Cutting Machine (UK ship No Tax):

2M2 Magic Tank T Series Key Blade 20pcs/lot

2M2 Magic Tank L Series Key Blade 20pcs/lot:

2M2 Magic Tank S Series Key Blade 20pcs/lot:

Read more:
2020 New 2M2 Magic Tank Key Cutting Machine User Guide
2M2 Magic Tank 2020 Newest Upgrade: One Super Key Blank Generate 99% Keys







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