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Buy Autel IM608 Get Free Autel G-Box2 Accessory Tool

已有 1178 次阅读2020-7-28 21:45 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, im608, autel, im608 分享到微信

Good news!!! Buy Autel IM608 can get one free Autel G-BOX2 Mercedes Benz& BMW adapter at eobdtool.co.uk.


Why do you need an Autel MaxiIM IM608?

Autel IM608 is the most advanced comprehensive tool which can support key programming, diagnosis and service function. It is equipped with the XP400 key programmer and Maxiflash ECU programmer to provide complete coverage of IMMO and programming functions.


Top 8 reasons to get Autel IM608:

1.Diagnosis Language: Default Language is English, can be changed to other languages, such as German, Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, French, etc (Provide your device S/N to change language)
 IMMO Language: English
2.Software update: Free update online for 1 year, after one year, it will cost $1000; if you need, you can pay for Autel im608 update service
3. Warranty for 12 Months.
4.Advanced IMMO & key programming
5.OE-Level Diagnostic and Service Functions as MaxiSYS Pro
6.Professional key programming equipped with XP400 key programmer and MaxiFlash ECU programmer for complete Immo coverage.
7.Ship from the UK with Fast Delivery. No Import Du http://blog.eobdtool.co.uk/autel-key-programmers-autel-im508-im608/ty Problem
8.NO IP Blocking Problem Can Be Used in All EU Countries


Autel MaxiIM IM608 vs. Autel MaxiSYS MS908S PRO:



Autel IM608 vs. IM508:



Autel IM608 Reviews:


Autel MaxiIM IM608 FAQs & Reviews:



Some Autel IM608 key programmer test reports:

1. Autel IM608 add a new key to BMW (2007 BMW 525i):



2. Autel IM608 Add New Keys to 2012 Land Rover Range Rover Sport (AKL):



3. Autel IM608 Add New Key to Chrysler Town & Country 2010:



Check full car models supported by Autel IM608, please visit official website: http://www.auteltech.com/vehicle-coverage/coverage2

Easy to operate: Select Product Model-> Vehicle Make-> Vehicle Model-> Year-> Function/Sub-function (this option can skip)

And click Search button



Why do you need an Autel G-Box2?
Check the top 6 reasons:
1. Supports fast mode on vehicle and bench when all keys of Mercedes-Benz vehicles using the DAS3 EIS/EZS are lost.
2. Reads and writes Bosch engine ECU on F chassis of BMW and MQB of Volkswagen.
3. The G-Box2 also supports DME/DDE ISN reading and writing in Boot mode on applicable BMW vehicles. The bench method is also supported.
4. All Keys Lost password calculations are 4x to 8x faster.
5. Moreover, the number of insertions and removals of W216 and W164 EISs after the year 2009 is reduced to zero, greatly simplifying the operation steps. It can be used in Boot mode or Bench method.


Autel G BOX2 with IM608 test reports:


1. How to use G-BOX2 to do Mercedes-Benz all keys lost?

1).OBII operation:

Use OBDII access on Mercedes-Benz vehicles manufactured after 2009 with W204, W207, W216 and W164 EISs

Connection Steps:
-Connect the G-BOX2 to the Mercedes-Benz EIS using the supplied DB15 cable
-Connect to the DC Port of G-BOX2 using a power adapter (DC 12V)
-Connect the G-BOX2 to the Autel Diagnostic Tablet


2).Desktop operation:

In this method, you can do IMMO and key programming for all Mercedes-Benz vehicle EISs with Autel IM608 or IM508.

Connection Steps:
-Connect the G-BOX2 to the Mercedes-Benz EIS using the supplied DB15 cable
-Connect to the DC Port of G-BOX2 using a power adapter (DC 12V)
-Connect the G-BOX2 to the Autel diagnostic tablet


3). Reading engine password operation on bench:
Use this method for Bosch ECUs supported by Autel IM608/508 supporting IMMO and key programming functions.


Connection Steps:
-Connect the G-BOX2 to Autel diagnostic tablet
-Connect the G-BOX2 to Engine ECU
-Connect to the DC port of G-BOX2 using a power adapter (DC 12V)

Src: http://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/autel-g-box-benz-bmw-adapter.html


2. AUTEL IM608 read BMW N20 ISN all keys lost with G-BOX2:

Follow the wiring diagram to connect IM608, J2534 ECU programmer, G-BOX2 and N20 DME module

Make sure IM608 is connected to the Wi-Fi since the Internet is needed

Select BMW-System Selection-> Engine

This method is bench mode, so choose the Direct option directly

Select Quick entrance on the screen to identify the ECU type and press Help button

Enter a 10 digit number found on a white sticker on the cover of the DME

The engine ECU type will display on the screen

Select Bench option-> Scroll down and review the diagram for quick lists in time

Connect your JVC I to G-BOX2 using the OBD2 cable, don’t forget to power G-BOX2 with the IM608 power adapter

Read ISN and save data depends on the instructions

Finish all the operations above, then can go to make a new key.


The big promotion date of Autel MaxiIM IM608 is limited. If you’re interested in IM608 and G-BOX2 Benz& BMW adapter, don’t miss this activity. You will save at least 135 euros! Purchase it here: http://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/autel-maxiim-im608.html

Article source:http://blog.eobdtool.co.uk/buy-autel-im608-get-free-autel-g-box2-accessory-tool/







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