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Autel MaxiIM IM608 Reviews& FAQs

已有 690 次阅读2020-7-26 23:00 |系统分类:科技教育| Autel, IM608 分享到微信

Here have collected the newest customer reviews and frequently asked questions about Autel IM608 auto key programmer.

Autel MaxiIM IM608 FAQs:

Q: Can autel IM608 support VW and Audi MQB all models blade key all keys lost via OBD now?
A: Yes. The function has been added to the newest V4.1 VW/Audi. No need to take of any module. And the software is free, only need to pay usage fee 30 dollars for each car.

Q: Does IM608 support Italian?
A: Yes. The default language is English. You can provide your device S/N to dealer to change to Italian or other languages such as German, Swedish, Portuguese, French, etc.

Q: IM608 support Toyota Camry 2018-2020 smart key all keys lost?
A: Yes.

Q: Can Autel im608 support all keys lost or add new key to BMW X6 2015 Vin # 5UXKU2C56F0F96449 via OBD?

A: It can do for FEM/BDC Immobilizer system.

Q: Is it possible to change second BMW ECU by im608?
A: No, it isn’t.

Q: Will Autel IM608 support BENZ or BMW ECU programming online?
A: No.

Q: Can I adjust mileage for my BMW car by im608?
A: No, you can’t.

Q: Does it need to pay update fee for online programming after one year?
A: Yes. 

Q: Can I continue to use IM608 if I don’t pay for it after one year for free update?
A: Yes, but you cannot enjoy the update service.

Q: Car: Toyota Corolla 2004, 1.4 petrol, chassis no. JTDKM22XOO41107
Function: all keys lost
Can IM608 support?
A: It needs to check the key chip models. Most of chips can be supported.

Q: If the free update date expired, can im608 still program Toyota all smart keys lost with the smart emulator?
A: Yes.

Q: It prompts that unable to connect the server when use im608 on ford 2018 Dodge Durango?
A: Please check the network connection.

Autel MaxiIM IM608 Customer Reviews:

Review 1: Key programming. You can add and do all keys lost
Wonderful and powerful diagnostic and programming tool! I used this autel im608 scanner to do a 2013 C230 all key lost in 30 minutes thru OBD2.

Review 2: Good for GM & Ford's key programming and Chrysler diagnosis!
I recently purchased an Autel MaxiIM608 programming diagnostic tool. At first, I was a bit skeptical since I had always used another brand. I was looking for a tool that would help diagnose and program ECU's as well as a program today’s modern key types, without breaking the bank. After doing a bit of research I decided to go ahead and purchase the Autel MaxiIM608 unit. To me, the Autel meets all my needs and more. This Autel MaxiIM608 has the potential to be one of the best diagnostic tools on the market. It has currently helped me with GM and Ford key programming and Chrysler diagnostics. I am even starting to look into working on the European line. I feel I am just scratching the surface of what this Autel is capable of accomplishing. There are two things I feel that would make it better and that is possibly having access to in-depth training videos and maybe improving the storage case to have actual hinges.
Thanks, Autel for another excellent product. Keep them coming.

Review 3: Program keys perfectly!
I use this im608 device to program a key witch it's working perfectly, also it's good for diagnostic to. This is the second my autel scanner, the first one it is autel elite pro.

Review 4: Works good, very easy to use
Great scanner and easy to use! This was well worth the investment. The price was great. I highly recommend this IM608. It is equipped with the XP400 key programmer and Maxi Flash ECU programmer to provide coverage of IMMO and programming functions.

In a word, Autel IM608 is professional key programming and ECU coding tool which can be used in all EU countries without the IP blocking problem. 
If you want to know what car models can work with IM608, please visit the official website to check carefully: https://www.auteltech.com/vehicle-coverage/coverage2

Buy Autel IM608 get one free Autel G-BOX2 Accessory tool: http://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/autel-maxiim-im608.html







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