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Reset DPF: Launch ThinkDiag or Vident iauto702 Pro or Autel MaxiCOM MK808?

已有 1373 次阅读2020-7-23 21:33 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Topic: Which tool should I buy to do DPF regeneration? Launch Thinkdiag? Vident iAuto702 pro or Autel MaxiCOM MK808?

Go ahead to check the comparison.

ItemTHINKDIAGiAuto702 proAutel MK808
Image (6% Off €97.76)Launch Thinkdiag OBDII Bluetooth Android Scanner with ECU Coding 16 Reset Services and 4 Free Software pk Launch X431 EasyDiag 3.0 (6% Off €159.8)[UK Ship]VIDENT iAuto 702 Pro Multi-application Service Tool Support ABS/SRS/EPB/DPF 3 Years Free Update Online[UK Ship]Autel MaxiCOM MK808 All System Diagnostic Scanner OBD2 Key Programming IMMO DPF TMPS Support Multi-language
Reference price€ 104€ 170.00€ 441.00
Formdongle+ Apphand-held devicehand-held device
Language6 languages available:
English, French, Spanish, German, Italian,  Portuguese, Japanese, Russian (the software language is the same as system)
14 languages available:
English, Spanish, German,
French, Portuguese, Swedish,
Italian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional
Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, Thai
multi- languages available: German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Swedish, etc. (English is default, for other languages, you need to pay 70USD for language exchange)
SoftwareEOBD2+DEMO+2 cars software all free;      After activating the device, you will get DEMO +EOBD2+ 2 car software. you can select any 1 of the manufacturer software in ThinkStore and you can use them free for one year.
if u need more, pls buy software on the application.
Manufacturer Software Price for Each: $39.95/year
Reset Software Price for Each: $49.95/year
Free for the first 3 years;

update via USB port

One Year Free Update Online, the update cos is 150USD/Year, after first year.
Basic Function
OBDII/EOBD+CAN                                 √
Systems ScanABS, SRS                                ABS, SRSfull system
Car Make CoverageAll                                AllAll
Read Code                                 √
Clear Code                                 √
Freeze Frame Data(FFD)                                 √
System Information                           √
Live Data
Active Test
Special functionSupport 15 special functions:

1.Oil Reset Service
2.Steering Angle Calibration
3.Electronic Parking Brake Reset
4.Battery Register & Battery
5.ABS Bleeding
6. Electronic Throttle Position
Reset & Learn
7.Diesel Particulate
8.Tire Pressure Monitor
System Reset
9.Tooth Learning
10.Anti-theft Matching
11.Injector matching
12.Air Suspension Reset
13.Sunroof RESET
14.EGR Reset
15.AFS reset

Support 23 special functions: 1.ABS Bleeding
2.AFS (Adaptive Front Lighting System)
3.BRT (battery reset)
4.Clutch match (New! clutch pedal free-play)
5.DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration)
6.EPB (Brake pad replacement)
7.AF (Adjust Fuel)
8.Gearbox match
9.Gear learning
11.Injector coding
12.Odometer correction
13.Oil reset
14.SAS (Steering Angle Sensor Calibration)
15.Seat Match (New! adjust memory seat)
16.Sunroof Initialization          17.SUS
18.TPMS (Tire pressure reset)
19.TPS (Throttle Body Alignment)
20.Turbo (New! required if secondarturbo
charger is replaced, will learn the offset values)
21.Windows Door(New! )
22.PFP (New! Prime Fuel Pump function)
23.Language change (change language
displayed in the instrument)
Support special functions and more:        1. Oil Light/Service Reset
2.EPB service
3.SAS relearn          4.Battery registration and reset                    5.DPF regeneration   6.Immobilizer function  7.TPMS programming service
Protocolcompatible with all vehicles
after 1996; support OBD II
protocol: ISO 14230-4
(KWP2000), ISO
ISO14229(uds) and
Supported Protocols: ISO15765 (CANBUS 11bit&29bit TP16,TP20,UDS,FIAT CAN,
VOLVO CAN),ISO14230(KWP2000),
SIMENMS_ISO2,MIT MODE1,MIT MODE2,Mitsubishi Negative Logic
protocol, Nissan-specific protocol.
ISO9141-2, ISO 14230-2, ISO15765, K/L LINE, Flashing code, SAE-J1850 VPW, SAE-J1850 PWM, ISO11898 (Highspeed, middlespeed, lowspeed and singlewire CAN, fault-tolerant CAN), SAEJ2610, GM UART, UART Echo Byte protocol, Honda Diag-H protocol, TP2.0, TP1.6

All three OBD2 code scanners support DPF regeneration function. Autel MaxiCOM MK808 supports the full system and the price is the most expensive among them. Launch Thinkdiag is the most cost-effective diagnostic tool. It not only supports 15 kinds of reset services but also covers up to 115 major vehicle manufacturers after 1996. With the unique ThinkDiag APP, you can do diagnosis, maintenances and update software on Android or IOS smartphone via Bluetooth easily.

THINKDIAG Reset DPF guide:

Here take 2017 Chevrolet Silverado as an example
Install ThinkDiag APP on Android or IOS smartphone
Plug the ThinkDiag device into OBDII port in your vehicle until the green light appears

Turn on the ignition
Run ThinkDiag APP
Go to ThinkStore menu-> Purchased software
There are two ways to reset DPF: Select the car manufacturer or special function

Here select RESERDPF option directly
It will connect Bluetooth automatically
Choose the corresponding car manufacturer

Make sure have turned on the ignition switch
Pay attention to the path to enter GM software on-screen instruction
Select Manual Select-> DPF Service Regeneration-> Chevrolet-> Silverado->2015-2018

Follow the prompts to operate

Then reset the commanded state by the ON or OFF button at the bottom of the screen

Reset DPF completed!
Visit the official website: http://www.mythinkcar.com/coverage/checklist to search the full car models Launch Thinkcar ThinkDiag supported before purchasing.

Hope it helps you!







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