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V159 JLR Mangoose SDD Pro FAQs

已有 860 次阅读2020-5-6 05:19 |系统分类:科技教育| V159, JLR, Mangoose, SDD, Pro 分享到微信

V159 JLR Mangoose SDD Pro for Jaguar and Land Rover supports PWM CAN K L line protocol till 2017. Here have collected some customer questions and answers from eobdtool.co.uk engineer. Hope it helps you!

Q: Can V159 JLR Mangoose add new key to Jaguar XF (2012)?
A: Yes, it can, if you have an online account and password.

Q: Which diagnostic tool is good to diagnose and program Jaguar XF Winter Collection 2011?
A: V159 JLR Mangoose SDD Pro is OK.

Q: My car is 2015 Jaguar F type (X152), which JLR mangoose sdd pro is better to buy? V157 or V159?
A: Both them support Jaguar till year 2017. The difference is V159 supports more protocols.

Q: The indicator light on the v159 Mongoose Pro JLR is on, but it cannot communicate with the computer?
A: Please check whether the driver is installed and whether the computer can detect normally.

Q: I open JLR file from Windows Start menu and access VCI device to download MongoosePRO JLR software driver, but when I connect Mangoose device, it prompts no registering and the indicator light is flashing.
A: Please check the Device Manager, whether the computer displays unknown device when plugging or unplugging the device.

Q: When plugged into the V159 JLR Mangoose SDD Pro’s power supply, the indicator lights on the device flash, but the laptop can’t see the device at all.
The only device the computer recognizes is the SD card. The Mongoose Pro software was erased and reinstalled to try to connect to the device, but it didn’t work properly. Do this using the driver under the JLR software.

A: Please check the device info from Device Manager. And you’d better install V159 software on Win7 32 bit.

To be continued…

V159 JLR Mangoose SDD Pro for Jaguar and Land Rover Supports PWM CAN K L Line Protocol till 2017 (€39.00 from UK ship):
Article source:http://blog.eobdtool.co.uk/v159-jlr-mangoose-sdd-pro-faqs/







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