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V2019.9 Doip MB SD C4:Difference among Hot MB Star Diagnostic Tool with Laptop

已有 1018 次阅读2020-3-19 02:06 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

EOBDtool.co.uk provide you best quality MB SD C4 Star diagnostic tool plus 4GB Lenovo T410 Laptop in combination kit, we will set up and activate the software before shipping, that you can use it directly after you get it.
1. New MB SD Connect Compact 4 Star Diagnosis support wireless diagnose;
2. New MB SD C4 Star Diagnosis not only support K line diagnose and CAN BUS but also UDS diagnose protocol. Because old MB STAR C4 main board do not have UDS chip, so
old MB STAR C4 can not support it;
3. Multiplexer now use Lan cable to connect, can fit Only applies to DELL computer and ThinkPad computer
4. Connector adopt Military quick swap technology, it can support 10,000 times pull plug, more stable;
5. All core accessories adopt original new packing chip, and 24hours test, guarantee the quality of the products;

MB SD C4 Wire Connection Picture 

MB SD C4 Wireless Connection Picture 

Difference among Hot MB Star Diagnostic Tool with Laptop:

Product NameMB SD C4 Plus 4GB Lenovo T410 Laptop V2012.11 MB SD C4 with 4GB Lenovo T410 Laptop MB SD C4 with EVG7 DL46 LaptopSuper MB Star C3 Plus 4GB Lenovo T410 LaptopXentry Connect C5 with Lenovo T410 Laptop 
Item NoPP04 PP23PP17LP04PP37
HardwareBest MB SD C4Best MB SD C4Best MB SD C4Original Super MB Star C3Xentry Connect C5
SoftwareMB SD C4 V2019.9MB SD C4 V2012.11MB SD C4 V2019.9Super MB Star C3 V2018.03MB SD C4 V2019.9
LaptopSecond-hand Lenovo T410 Laptop Second-hand Lenovo T410 Laptop Original EVG7 DL46 LaptopSecond-hand Lenovo T410 Laptop Second-hand Lenovo T410 Laptop 
Updatevia Hard Diskvia Hard Diskvia Hard DiskUpdate onlinevia Hard Disk
HighlightSupport SCN onling Coding, but you need pay it extraSupport Offline ProgrammingSupport SCN onling Coding, but you need pay it extra--Support SCN onling Coding, but you need pay it extra
Recommed Reasonseconomy and cheap one, suitable for people who live an economical lifefit for customer who need offline programmingespecially for the professional garage and mechanic car repair services for the key feature of this PC is to be full-compatible for vehicle diagnostic devices softwareTop Version,Original one, Update Onlinehas same function and software as mb sd c4, while has better hardware than SDC4, work more stable

PS: Similary: support multi-languges, sofware well be pre-installed and activated well before shipping, that customers can use them directly after get it







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