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Foxwell scan tools Question and answers

已有 598 次阅读2020-3-9 02:33 | Foxwell, NT650, elite 分享到微信

Q1: What are the differences between the NT510 and the NT520pro and NT530?
NT530 is the hardware and software updated version of NT510 and NT520pro, more stable. And NT530 can support more latest year cars like 2018/2019.
For BMW, NT530 can better support F series.
Moreover, NT530 add Maybach, Mitsubishi, Renault, Nissan which NT520pro did not have.

Q2: How many different car makes can Foxwell NT530 support simultaneously?
A: Due to the SD card limited capacity, only up to 5 car makes can be installed in the same tool.
Q3: What is the difference between NT530 and NT650 elite?
A: NT530 can do all system diagnostic plus all special service functions.

  The Foxwell NT650 elite only able to do special service functions. It can not do full system diagnostic. While NT530 comes with one vehicle software for free, more software need extra 60USD each, NT650elite covers all car makes.

Q4: Will this NT530 works for AU Ford and Holden?
A: Sorry, AU Ford and Holden can only be sold by AU dealer.

Q5: I'm auto electrician in South Africa I need Foxwell diagnostics machine that can read fault code, reset airbag and abs, odometer adjustments and also key coding, which tool works?
A: Foxwell tools mainly focused on diagnosis, it is very professional in diagnostic field. However, it can support very few cars on odometer adjustments and also key coding, this is not the strong point of Foxwell tools.

Q6: If I want to buy more vehicles for Foxwell NT530, how do I purchase them and download?
A: Please buy it via this link,
After you paid, please pass us your SN of NT530, we will authorize the software for you, then you can download it by yourself.

Q7: I bought Foxwell NT530 and see print test result on your Quick Start, is there function avail? And how to print?
A: Yes, print test results is avail on Foxwell NT530, please connect your tool with computer and open Foxassist, click Data Manager to print the report.







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