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iLink400 BMW Detailed Review

已有 576 次阅读2019-12-16 03:45 | Vident 分享到微信

iLink400 Full System OE-level Single Make Scan Tool

Vident iLink400 Full System diagnostic scanner provides OE-level diagnosis on all electronic system actuation, adaptation, and programming for GM Mercedes Land Rover, etc.
 iLink400 Full System OE-level Single Make Scan Tool

iLink400 Full System Single Make Scan Tool is the most cost-effective professional multi-system scan tool that delivers OE-level diagnosis for all elctronic systems of different car brands. It does not only include basic functions such as read/erase codes and live data, but also it's capable of advanced functions such as actuation, adaptation, and programming. In addition, it lets you access the most commonly required service features such as Oil service Light Reset, Throttle Body Alignment, Electronic Parking Brake Service, Battery configuration, Steering Angel Sensor Calibration, CBS correct, and much more...
Parts of Software Features

 Review 1:

UPDATE: Updated the scanner last night and currently temperatures appear to be operating properly, raising from three stars to four.

Pros: the merchandise is reasonable and will do what it says it will. can allow you to manage all the sensors and lights on the vehicle if you have got the add on for that manufacturer.
Cons: slightly glitchy, conjointly the temperature and pressure measurements aren't any wherever close to correct. unsure why. I updated the merchandise via the pc. I feel I'll be keeping the merchandise because of its practicality and value. however there's minor problems that are quite annoying. however compared to the value of a reputation whole scanner I still suppose it's associate degree alright purchase.

Review 2:
It will just about what it says it'll do but it'll not program the VIN into the PCM on weight unit merchandise, thus if exchange PCM you may still like a mechanic or somebody with the correct tool, it'll set cam retard on weight unit merchandise and is all around a really useful tool

Review 3:
This is a review of the weight unit functions on the newest transfer of the weight unit update. Tested on 2001 sports coat 4x4 (J1850 VPW), 2004 Avalanche 4x4 (J1850 VPW), 2006 G6 GTP (CANBUS). what's on the market depends on the vehicle it's connected to (this could be a superb thing). PIDs seem to be adequately filtered.







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