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They have separate bus methods

已有 670 次阅读2019-12-20 05:16 |系统分类:科技教育| data transmission, Technology 分享到微信

The AT24C08A only employs the A2 enter for hardwire addressing along with a finish of two 8K gizmos might be handled which has a solitary bus method. The A0 and A1 pins are not any connects and will be joined to floor. The AT24C16A will not use the machine address pins, which constraints the quantity of products by using a solitary bus to one.

The A0, A1 and A2 pins are certainly not any connects and may very well be related to floor. Create Protect (WP): The AT24C01A/02/04/08A/16A contains a Publish Safeguard pin that provides parts information protection. The Publish Safeguard pin permits common Read/Write features when linked to floor (GND).When the Write Safeguard pin is connected to VCC, the deliver basic safety factor is enabled and operates as shown in Desk two. Desk two.

Compose Safeguard Memory Business AT24C01A, 1K SERIAL EEPROM: Internally organized with 16 pages of eight bytes just about every unique, the 1K requires a 7-bit info phrase tackle for random phrase addressing.

AT24C02, 2K SERIAL EEPROM: Internally structured with 32 internet pages of eight bytes every single, the 2K demands an 8-bit facts time period cope with for random term addressing. AT24C04, 4K SERIAL EEPROM: Internally organized with 32 internet webpages of sixteen bytes each, the 4K calls for a 9-bit details phrase deal with for random phrase addressing.

AT24C08A, 8K SERIAL EEPROM: Internally arranged with sixty four web pages of 16 bytes each and every, the 8K requires a 10-bit info term address for random word addressing.

AT24C16A, 16K SERIAL EEPROM: Internally structured with 128 web web pages of sixteen bytes each, the 16K phone calls for an 11-bit know-how phrase handle for random time period addressing. 







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