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分享 Turn Wireless Charging Invisible and Get Your Desk Clean
2019-11-15 04:02
Turn Wireless Charging Invisible and Get Your Desk Clean
Wireless charging has never been this phenomenal . Fast, easy, clutter-free, invisible and eye-catchy. Imagine you simply set phone on top of a clean desk and it starts charging automatically. That would just make people go WOW! MEET THE ZeePower ZeePower ...
853 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Undertable Charger,ZeePower 45mm invisible Wireless Charger OEM ODM wholesale
2019-9-3 03:06
Undertable Charger,ZeePower 45mm invisible Wireless Charger OEM ODM wholesale
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtyWeLak0JQ A invisible long distance wireless charger designed to charge through desks,tabletops,and thick cases. No need to dig holes,no need to damage the design of the furniture surface.This charger can be perfectly mounted under any surface except metal ...
1060 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 无线充电风口已来?盛世zeepower商用家具配套45mm远距离无线充电方案 ...
2019-7-2 01:28
无线充电技术发展至今在电子领域已经被深入研究应用,虽然还未曾大范围普及,但在消费电子领域的发展已经取得不错的成绩。手机厂商也纷纷在自家旗舰机上加入这一革新性的先进充电技术,如苹果、三星、华为等手机均采用了无线充电技术。随着小米9推出了无线快充,意味着无线充电这个浪潮即将要被推向顶端,但是商用无线充电 ...
1077 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 盛世无线充电科技提供佛山地区商用家具等专用无线充电模块 ...
2019-5-1 00:14
盛世无线充电科技提供佛山地区商用家具等专用无线充电模块 ...
盛世无线科技(www.shengshiwireless.com/)的产品专为帮助家具及五金合作伙伴完善其目标市场的产品种类而设计,而盛世无线科技的所有产品都是为了帮助我们的客户和合作伙伴取得设计上的成功。 盛世无线科技拥有业界最广泛的无线充解决方案组合,支 ...
777 次阅读|0 个评论

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