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Buy Best Price Adidas Falcon W YUNG-2 Light Pink

已有 1313 次阅读2018-10-8 20:18 分享到微信

With the retro design and the price of the civilians, the adidas two old shoes Yung-1 and Adidas Falcon W YUNG-2 Light Pink are in the limelight. After a number of regular color schemes, the new "Acid House" color matching series, which is linked to the UK trend store size?, will be launched soon. Both sneakers are styled with the iconic yellow smiley face of Acid House. The Yung-1 is dominated by yellow and decorated in black and white, while Falcon is dominated by gray and white with yellow and black accents. The insole is also printed with a unique smile. This smile image comes from the national fitness program launched in Germany in the 1970s, in line with the retro sports genes of the shoes.

The OFF-WHITE x Nike joint name can be said to be "smooth and quiet" in this year's release, and it will bring a lot of new color schemes quietly, and will not be absent almost every month! China did not welcome the new OW x Blazer Mid in the National Day Golden Week, but today it has exposed two new products, which are based on the Nike Zoom Fly SP. The two pairs of OFF-WHITE x Nike Zoom Fly SP use a translucent upper, and both colors are quite pleasing. One is a black and white classic versatile dress, and the other is a bright scent index, which is presented in different shades of pink, both full of personality and a good visual level.

Nike Air Jordan Shoes,The joint Fragment Deisgn x Air Jordan 1 shoes are made of simple, white, black and blue, giving you a special feeling of familiarity and refreshment. After repeatedly exposing the physical object, it has finally confirmed the domestic release date, which will be officially released on December 27, and will be registered on the nike.com China official website.The body is set against a white background, the toe is black, the heel and upper are wrapped in royal blue, and the classic lightning logo embodies its exclusive co-branded identity.







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