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First class removals company goes “above and beyond” in service to the communi .

热度 1已有 2435 次阅读2018-9-4 01:18 |系统分类:家庭生活| removalist, melbourne, removalist 分享到微信

A1 MOVE is a Melbourne based removals company with decades experience in all kinds of moving. The company provides a professional service at a competitive price. Services include furtniture removals, residential removals, commercial and interstate removals. Over the past 20 years, this company has successfully moved over a million people and achieved 100 per cent customer satisfaction as result of its commitment to excellence.


Despite this, the company is not “resting on its laurels” and is committed to giving back to the community, while at the same time, expanding its customer base.


A1MOVE is a first class removals company with a difference. It works in conjunction with the Melbourne City Mission to provide moving services to individuals and families who would otherwise not be able to afford them. Those in need and eligible, are able to receive a subsidy through the Mission to offset the costs of their move.  A1MOVE is one of a select group of government-approved companies providing moving services to the City Mission's clientele. For those in dire need, the company will promote the Melbourne City Mission's services through making customers aware of their possible eligibility for a subsidy. On occasion, A1MOVE has provided services to those in need with no guarantee the customer will receive the subsidy. In addition, A1MOVE routinely offers services to the elderly at discounted rates.


The company has the most comprehensive moving experience of any company in Melbourne. A1MOVE's customers range from individuals and families suffering hardship, to large commercial enterprises and everything in between.


Large scale commercial enterprises benefit from the quality and quantity of moving equipment available. A1MOVE has the most advanced moving equipment on the market and enough of it to service even the largest and most demanding customers, particularly those with large-scale warehouse operations.


A1MOVE's preparedness to “go the extra mile” is reflected in its repeat business and the many long-term cooperative arrrangements it has with customers, especially those requiring warehouse removals where state-of-the-art equipment is particularly valued. Other customer groups include: various commercial businesses, schools, aged-care centres and exhibition centres such as the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Customers may require removals from one address to another or the rearrangement of furniture or equipment at the one location. Either way, A1MOVE has the trained staff to move items without incident and the most advanced undercover storage facilities in Melbourne. These resources and facilities offer the highest level of security and protection to the customer.


Finally, customers who are relocating treasured items such as pianos and pool tables can rest easy. A1MOVE has on hand staff with specialist training which enables them to carefully dismantle, pack and reassemble these precious items.


A1MOVE's dedication to customer service is evident. The company offers help in anticipating moving costs, the same rates seven days-a-week and a no-charge policy for cancellations made 24 hours prior to the scheduled move.


A1MOVE is part of the Melbourne community. This highly-skilled and well-resourced company, serves a broad range of clientele with confidence and competence.







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