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Newboda makes Airbnb management a breeze

已有 1968 次阅读2018-9-4 00:52 |系统分类:家庭生活| cleaning, service 分享到微信

Newboda Cleaning is a professional cleaning company providing residential and commercial cleaning services in the Melbourne area. The company proudly offers a comprehensive management service to Airbnb hosts.


For those embarking on Airbnb hosting for the first time, or wanting to increase bookings, Newboda offers a pre-listing service to help hosts prepare their property for the market and professional photographers to present it in the best possible light.


Once the property is listed, Newboda's Airbnb management service, with its well-organised booking system, gives hosts complete peace of mind. Many a host has discovered there's a lot more to obtaining great ratings than origninally thought.


Newboda offers a '5 star' cleaning service to ensure all rooms are spick and span. Their Airbnb cleaning service is second to none.Guests arrive to accommodation with hotel-grade freshly laundered linens and replenished bathroom and kitchen essentials. There is a 24/7 front desk where guests can pick up keys, present proof of identity, and make a deposit. Maintenance services are also on hand to deal with any emergencies.


Newboda has a core team of 5 highly trained staff to provide the Airbnb cleaning service, and additonal  staff to provide back up at times of peak demand. Your cleaning or maintenance emergency is just another 'day at the office' for the Newboda team. Last minute Airbnb bookings can be accommodated with ease.


A recent online review by an Airbnb guest illustrates the need for thorough and timely cleaning and management of Airbnb premises.  Feedback included comments such as “I've seen animal cages cleaner than that apartment” and the oven was described as “so filthy it set off the fire alarm when we turned it on”. Needless to say, with a review like that, the host is unlikely to be inundated with  bookings. Just one negative review can be death to bookings. 


Newboda employs a sophisticated operations system to manage individual requests for  Airbnb services. Its interface allows customer details to be seen at a glance. Airbnb hosts can lodge an order on the system themselves, adding extra information or making specific requests as necessary. The system is easy to use and online support is available.


The address of the property, key numbers, dates, check-in and check-out times, number of beds and laundering requirements are all recorded. Action taken and the status of the job at any point in time are also clearly visible. It's a neat system resulting in efficient and reliable service.


The Airbnb management service is just one of ten services offered by Newboda Cleaning. The range of services includes but, is not limited to: commercial cleaning services, house cleaning services, end of lease cleaning with a 100% bond back guarantee, carpet steam cleaning, and specialist cleaning of rangehoods, ovens and the like.


Customers in need of cleaning services other than the Airbnb service, can contact Newboda via phone or email or use a simple online form to briefly describe the nature and scope of the job.


The online form is 'user friendly'. Instead of having to choose between an infuriately limited number of options, as is so often the case with forms, customers describe what they want in their own words. This allows for  particular cleaning concerns to be noted at the time of initial contact . For example, if  wanting an end of lease cleaning service, a customer is able to give the company a 'heads up' on a very dirty rangehood or stubborn carpet stain.


Newboda will follow-up all online requests for cleaning services, develop a thorough understanding of customers' needs and provide a quote.


It's fair to say Newboda provides a one-stop-shop when it comes to residential and commercial cleaning services to premises in metropolitan Melbourne.


Contact: 03 95632204   info@newboda.com or visit www.newbodaclean.com.au/







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