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choose insurance products

热度 1已有 991 次阅读2018-9-21 07:04 |系统分类:文学分享到微信

  How do silver-haired people choose insurance products?

  Commercial insurance can effectively compensate for the lack of basic old-age insurance. Insured persons can choose the products they need and the appropriate payment period and payment amount according to different age stages and different protection needs without affecting their quality of life.

  According to public data, as of the end of 2017, there were 241 million elderly people aged 60 and over in China, accounting for 17.3% of the total population. It is generally believed that the proportion of the elderly population aged 60 and over reaches 10% of the total population, which means entering an aging society. Older people are the people with the highest probability of accidents and major diseases, so medical expenses are increasingly becoming a burden for every family.

  As a result, many elderly people and even middle-aged people are beginning to pay attention to some commercial health insurance and pension insurance, including critical illness insurance, anti-cancer insurance, annuity insurance and other products, they hope to obtain risk protection through insurance.

  Health insurance coverage is more comprehensive

  “I have basic medical insurance, but also want to buy commercial health insurance?” I believe this is a question for many people. Basic medical insurance is an important part of China's social security system. It is a kind of social insurance that is formulated by the government, employers and employees. It is the foundation of the medical security system and can guarantee the basic medical needs of the majority of insured personnel. pay for general outpatient, emergency and hospital expenses.

  However, the Basic Medical Insurance Co-ordination Fund pays for individual inpatient medical expenses, with a deductible line and a capping line. That is to say, the basic medical insurance pays the basic medical insurance in proportion to the expenses above the threshold, the maximum limit and the scope of the reimbursement.

  "Commercial health insurance can effectively supplement the part of social insurance that cannot be reimbursed, which is an important supplement to basic medical insurance." An industry insider said that the current commercial health insurance products on the market can be taken quickly when the insured is diagnosed as seriously ill. Go to a medical fund to help him treat it in time. At the same time, it can compensate for additional expenses during medical treatment, such as non-medical expenses after illness, loss of personal income, family care expenses and nursing expenses. Moreover, some health insurance products also include a premium exemption clause, that is, the insured does not need to pay subsequent premiums in the event of a contractual accident, but the guarantee continues to be effective.

  At present, most insurance companies' health insurance products include medical insurance, cancer prevention insurance, and major illness insurance. For example, Mr. Zhang, a 50-year-old, bought a serious illness insurance for an insurance company. The coverage includes malignant tumors, acute myocardial infarction, sequelae of stroke, benign brain tumors, and other high-risk diseases. The annual insurance premium is 6,440 yuan, and it will be paid for 10 years. If during this period, Mr. Zhang unfortunately finds out the serious illness within the scope of the contract, the insurance company will pay 100,000 yuan in insurance premium, and at the same time, it will be exempted from paying the unpaid premium; if Mr. Zhang does not suffer from the contractually ill illness during the protection period, then he is insured. After the death of the person, the insurance company will return all the insurance money paid to the insured's family.

  In addition, there is currently a comprehensive medical insurance for the elderly in the market, which is also a good choice. Such products usually have a one-year guarantee period and only need about 400 yuan per year for insurance. In the event of accidental medical care, the insured person can receive a total of 10,000 yuan in outpatient and inpatient care; if the insured person is accidentally disabled or died during the insurance period, his family can be entitled to 200,000 yuan in insurance.

  “Customized” products are favored

  In addition to worrying about physical health, older people must also face the fact that their income after retirement is reduced. Therefore, many people consider purchasing personal pension insurance before retirement, that is, the insured pays a certain premium to the insurance company on a regular basis, and receives insurance premiums periodically or at the time agreed by the contract. This is usually called commercial pension insurance.

  The goal proposed by the Chinese government is that by 2020, commercial pension insurance will become the main bearer of the personal and family business pension scheme, an important provider of commercial pension schemes initiated by enterprises, and active participants in the market-oriented operation of social pension security. A strong promoter of the healthy development of the aged care industry, a financial security and a stable supporter of economic growth.

  According to market analysis, on the one hand, as China gradually enters an aging society, pension has become a problem that cannot be ignored. It is a choice of many people to protect old-age life through insurance products. On the other hand, the market for commercial pension insurance is now on the market. The proportion of shares is not low, and the insurance companies will make corresponding adjustments for different customers, and strive to improve the "customized" service level of insurance, so these products are more and more recognized by consumers.

  For example, a 50-year-old insured person purchases an insurance company for an individual's old-age pension insurance. The annual insurance premium is 50,000 yuan, and it is paid for 10 consecutive years. From the fifth insurance policy anniversary date to the insured's 80-year-old, it can be collected every year. 11350 yuan annuity; until the insured survives to the expiration date of the contract, the insurance company will pay an additional insurance premium of 500,000 yuan. In addition, there is generally a dividend distribution, but the cumulative interest rate is uncertain.

  Savings and consumption should be distinguished

  It should not be overlooked that consumers must be cautious in the face of different insurance products and multiple purchase channels. First of all, commercial health insurance includes not only products with a saving nature, but also consumer health insurance, that is, the customer signs a contract with the insurance company, and if the insurance accident is contracted within the agreed time, the insurance company will compensate according to the original agreed amount or If the insurance accident does not occur within the agreed time, the insurance company will not return the premium paid.

  Secondly, it is necessary to know that the method of receiving annuity insurance includes three types: quota, timing and one-off. The collar is the way in which the insured collects all the pensions at the appointed time. The method of collecting the quota is to determine the amount of the unit at the time of the unit until the insured has completed the payment of the insurance; the timing is The insured shall determine the amount of the payment according to the total amount of the insurance at the agreed time. Consumers should read the terms carefully before applying for insurance and choose the method that suits them.

  In fact, the annuity insurance is only a part of the economic income in the elderly, but the elderly are prone to large medical expenses. The insurance function of the annuity insurance is still insufficient. It is best to use some accidents when buying an annuity insurance. Medical insurance can better protect against risks. When insuring, you should choose a regular insurance company and carefully check the insurance company's business qualifications and the terms of the insurance contract.

  At the same time, according to different age stages and different protection needs, under the premise of not affecting the quality of life, you should choose the products you need and the appropriate payment period and payment amount. The older the insurance products, the more expensive the insurance products. Therefore, insurance should be planned as early as possible. In addition, be sure to pay attention to the exemption clause and the proportion of claims, as well as the relevant provisions of the waiting period.

  The article was transferred from: http://www.xinhuanet.com/money/2018-08/17/c_129934627.htm







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