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favored by pension funds

已有 1138 次阅读2018-9-7 03:44 |系统分类:财经分享到微信

  Social security heavy stocks are favored by pension funds

  Recently, 14 pension fund funds of the first 14 fund companies have been approved, and the construction of the third pillar of pension is in full swing. On the other hand, the social security fund, which is one of the first pillars of the pension and one of the important players in the market, has gradually revealed its trend with the disclosure of the listed companies in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. According to statistics from the statistics, as of August 19, 141 companies have appeared in the tradable shares of the social security fund, and most of the stocks that have been covered by the social security fund have achieved good positive returns in the second quarter. Some analysts believe that from the perspective of investment, the industries and individual stocks that are obviously concerned by the social security fund are expected to become the key targets for the pension fund.

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  Most of the social security fund's jiacang stocks received positive returns

  According to the statistics of Choice, as of August 19, among the listed companies that have disclosed the results of the interim report, 141 companies have appeared in the tradable shares of the company. Among them, the social security fund newly held 40 stocks, increased 56 holdings, and reduced 15 companies. From the perspective of the disclosed mid-year report companies, social security is still optimistic about the big consumer sector. Some institutional sources said that most of the jiacang stocks received good positive returns in the second quarter.

  Among the 40 stocks newly held, the top 11 new stocks have more than 10 million shares, and the new stocks with more than 20 million shares have 3 stocks, namely Changxin Technology, Rongsheng Development and energy-saving wind power.

  In terms of holdings, the most-recognized Nangang shares were respectively increased by 320.825 million shares, 12.605 million shares and 12 million shares by the social security fund 418, 161 and 102. As of June 30, Nangang was jointly held by the social security group of 66,600,500 shares. In addition to the shares of Nangang, Xinlun Technology has also been increased by a large margin, totaling 4,417,900 shares by 4 social security fund portfolios. In addition, Beixin Building Materials, Bishuiyuan, Nanjing Bank, Tonghua Dongbao and Rongsheng petrochemical were all increased by 10 million to 20 million shares in the second quarter.

  Or become a target for raising old-age target funds

  From the above-mentioned increase in holdings and new companies, the better performance is the main reason for the increase in the funds of the social security fund. According to statistics from China Securities Journal, as of August 19, nearly 90% of the companies that have disclosed social security funds' new or increased holdings have achieved year-on-year growth in net profit, and some companies' net profit has increased by more than 100% year-on-year. Higher profitability. In addition, it also shows that the social security fund has a more prominent stock selection ability.

  According to the 2017 annual report released by the Social Security Fund on July 31, the performance of the social security fund is still outstanding. The data shows that in 2017, the social security fund's equity investment income was 184.614 billion yuan, and the investment yield was 9.68%. Among them, the realized income amount is 101.197 billion yuan (the realized rate of return is 5.58%), and the fair value change of trading assets is 83.417 billion yuan. It is worth mentioning that since the establishment of the National Social Security Fund in August 2000, the accumulated investment income has exceeded 1 trillion yuan, and the average annual investment return rate has reached 8.44%. From the perspective of the return on investment in social security funds in recent years, the return on investment in 2012-2015 reached 7.01%, 6.2%, 11.69%, and 15.19%, respectively. By 2017, the return on equity investment reached 9.68%, exceeding the historical average Blood in the urine.

  Some analysts pointed out that after the approval of the pension fund, it is expected to enter the issue period quickly, bringing a lot of "live water" to the market. Considering that the pension fund has higher requirements for stable income, its investment style is expected to tend to the social security fund. From the perspective of investment, the industries and individual stocks that are obviously concerned by the social security fund are expected to become the key targets for the pension fund. Yang Delong, chief economist of Qianhai Open Source Fund, also said that the operation of social security funds emphasizes long-term, security and profitability. At present, the valuation of A-share blue-chip stocks is in the bottom of history, which is a good time for social security funds, pensions and other long-term funds to enter the market.

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  The article was transferred from: http://www.xinhuanet.com/money/2018-08/20/c_1123294500.htm







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