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已有 989 次阅读2018-8-17 11:09 分享到微信


Since communication technology has developed rapidly, the influence of the media is undeniable. However, there have been questions about how powerful it really is. Many argue that it has the power to control others’ views and attitudes, and little can be done to remedy the problem. From my point of view, I partly disagree with this idea. On the one hand, it is reasonable that the media governs a number of people in society. Having control over the media means preferred information is selected while disliked information is censored and controllers’ opinions and attitudes could also be added to the news. As low educated people tend to believe most of what they saw, or heard, it is clear that the media has control over these people. On the other hand, there are many people whose opinions are not affected by the press (or the media). These people are able to omit distortions, and think independently. In my home country, a country where everyone is educated similarly and even forced to think similarly; there are still a range of distinctive views about a controversial issue, apart from the government’s idea. Therefore, it is wrong to say that the media controls people. There is a huge difference between these two groups of people: the education gap. According to this, may be the only way to reduce the power of the media is education. Higher educated people would not just believe with what they see or hear because they have the ability to think outside of the box. In conclusion, I am against because even if there are people being controlled by the media, there are still many who have their independent opinions. Therefore, the only solution to this problem is education, as it is the only difference between these groups.







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