因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
豬年伊始 “財經智庫” 與 "PerfectLife" 聯合舉辦理財講座。知名投资顾问,国际认证会计师和大学助学金规划师幫助您在 稅務,投資和大學資助方面得著 “諸般智慧”。
Date & Time 2/16 2:00-4:00pm
Location 1525 McCarthy Blvd Milpitas CA 95035
Daniel Young
注册金融理财师和注册舞弊审查师,目前担任广顿的合规主任。他在金融,经济领域有25年以上的从业经验。曾担任普华永道公司的资深理财顾问;在WHV 投资公司任职多种资产策略的产品及组合的管理负责人。在国际业务方面也有相当的建树,在世界各地曾就投资、反舞弊、微观经济等主题担任演讲者。
他是美国和国际大型股的分析组成员。他獲得 S. Connecticut State University 的会计和经济专业的学士学位和 MBA in Finance from the University of New Haven金融专业的硕士学位。
Jordan Reichelt
A manager at Spott, Lucey & Wall, Inc. CPAs where he provides accounting and tax compliance services to cross-border individuals and businesses of all types and sizes.
Jordan’s clients include investors, entrepreneurs and closely held businesses operating in diverse industries. He enjoys helping his clients to navigate the complex federal and state tax laws that apply to non-U.S. businesses, individuals with foreign investments, and cross-border transactions.
He earned a Master of Science in Taxation at Golden Gate University. Jordan is a member of the CalCPA and the Washington Society of CPAs as well as the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle.n
Sam Han
资深大学资助规划师,PerfectLife 联合创始人/President, 湾区无线广播 FM96.1 理财嘉宾。 多媒体平台财经智库 嘉宾联盟 ‘智多星’之一。 具有近 20 年家庭/公司全方位理财经验。
希望之心 安宁疗护中心 (The Non-Profit Org.) CFO