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Custom bobblehead used as cake topper is shit

已有 1129 次阅读2018-3-3 11:34 |系统分类:文学| Custom bobblehead, Custom cake topper, Custom bobblehead, Custom cake topper 分享到微信

You spent 100 pounds to custom a cake topper, this is a piece of crap.Why use a bobblehead as cake top.It can be better to use, let more people see.
Custom bobblehead has been used as wedding cake topper for a long time . Which is a puzzling thing in itself . Not that it can't be used as a cake topper , but just as a cake topper ,really makes us feel regrettable. Three months ago , my team and I began to try do bussines on our site Yee-3.com for the market outside of China. Our principle is not to accept any middlemen , not on Amazon or Etsy. We're too weak to discuss fees with the platform . The 5% - 14% fees are too high.
We were very fortunate to get order from Saudi Arabia in the first week since we published Yee-3.com.Thank you very much , Mr .Mohammed Al Sadoun . Because of our new business trial operations and international logistics attempts,we have cause you some trouble , fortunately our products have won your appreciation.

Custom bobblehead used as cake topper is shit_图1-1

We have released several products ,wedding cake topper , bust statue ,beach bobbleheads , group bobbleheads . We will gradually enrich our products .We recently launched a key chain bobblehead , follow-up will also launch the car base, because it is pure handmade so need 3-5 weeks, I hope you like it .

Custom bobblehead used as cake topper is shit_图1-2







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