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今天很愤怒。。I am very angry today

已有 3576 次阅读2011-9-1 13:21 分享到微信

今天很愤怒。I am very angry today

愤怒的原因是看到一则消息。 关于利比亚的。

the news that made me angry was from Libya. 

有一个家里的三个女孩, 被卡杂费的部队强奸了。 后来她们的父亲, 将她们三人一一歌喉。 谓之与“荣誉处决”HONOR KILLING。

Three girls of a family aged 15 17 and 18 were raped by the soldiers of the government troop, and their father slit the throats of them in order to rid of the "shame and humiliation".

你说, 你是男性, 没有保护好自己的家人。 俺感觉你要是真的羞耻, 应该去自杀。 你要是愤怒的话, 应该加入反政府军, 去拿起武器, 杀掉那些强奸你女儿、妹妹的那些野兽, 或者他们的同伙。 可是你什么也没有干, 拿起了刀, 割断了已经受侮辱的女孩的喉管。

I have some words for the father and the male family members of the family. You all should be ashamed that you did not protect the female members well enough.  You all should've committed suicide to rid of the shame.  If I were you, I would join the rebel and try to kill the beasts that raped the girls and their comrades.  

要叫我说, 你杀掉自己的女儿 才是the biggest dishonor. 你应该被控一级杀人、谋杀, 做监狱到永远。 

Killing your own daughters is the biggest dishonor, in my opinion.  you should be indicted and rotten in a jail cell for your life

WIKI 说 (the following quotes are from WIKI)

 "A 2006 BBC poll for the Asian network in the UK found that one in ten of the 500 young Asians polled said that they could condone the killing of someone who dishonored their family.[23] In the UK, in December 2005, Nazir Afzal, Director, west London, of Britain's Crown Prosecution Service, stated that the United Kingdom has seen "at least a dozen honour killings" between 2004 and 2005.“。  妇女组织的发言人说 "三分之二是穆斯林. 也可能是印度人或锡克人"

Another well-known case was Heshu Yones, stabbed to death by her Kurdish father in London in 2002 when her family heard a love song dedicated to her and suspected she had a boyfriend.[26] Other examples include the killing of Tulay Goren, a Kurdish Shia Muslim girl who immigrated with her family from Turkey,[27] and Samaira Nazir (Pakistani Muslim).[27]







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回复 他乡风云 2011-9-3 11:45


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