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Winter comes before spring

已有 2336 次阅读2018-1-17 22:46 |系统分类:家庭生活分享到微信

The poets' impressions of the seasons are somewhat different. Generally speaking, it is "YouChun" "summer" "come into my autumn, winter, I can't find the proper words, all in all, poets to" winter "seems to be not pregnant, in the" autumn "has" sad ", "winter" and "autumn" later!
So the poet, on the winter night, only coiled around the stove master of economics hong kong, which is a bit close to "hibernation". Fortunately, there was snow in winter, and poetry was added to the poets. Even in the snow, the poet is an activist. But when the plum blossom is open, the winter is over, and it is spring again.
I am not a poet, and I hate all the seasons. But after a few days of cold and heat, I gradually discerned the flavor of the seasons. I feel as if the winter smell is very chewy.
Because winter used to give me three different impressions in three different periods.
When I was twelve years old, I thought winter was good and bad. The grown-ups ordered me to wear a lot of clothes, which made me slow and clumsy, which is the place where I am not satisfied with winter hong kong apartment for rent. However, the grass in the field is yellow, and it is just "spreading wildfire", and I have to thank winter again.
The children who grew up in the city were pitiful. They saw only the gray road, and never saw the vast expanse of grass. What have they seen even in the park is the vast grassland, however, it is fine like dog hair piece of grass, withered when the more ugly, needless to say, they are intending to this can put a fire to burn. In the country, it's different. In the winter, as usual, the field is full of grayish yellow grass, tall and dense, with a rustle of feet, sometimes not on your legs. It's the grass -- the big grass, you can set fire to it. We all took off our long clothes and struck a match, and the dead grass was stripped and burned. The wind was sweeping away, and the grass was screaming like mad, and the red flame of the white smoke was like a large tongue that would lick up the dry grass. Sometimes we stand in the spotlight and run with the torch. Sometimes deliberately stood and looked at the fire like the tide coming, coming, so we laugh loudly shouts in the middle of the flames jump, while, the flame wave has been to, and we'll catch up to send it again. In the meadow, often have FuCuo coffin or schoolroom Beng, fire near the coffin, we the most tense moment came. We came to a "copy", jumped into the line of fire, and put out our fire. At this moment we felt the joy of overcoming the enemy.
Twenty later became the "city", the "fires" fun can't have, but how much wear clothes no longer from human interference, at this moment I for winter, should there is no love without hate, but winter began to give me a good impression. I was in my twenties, as long as I slept four hours, and I must have woken up at five o 'clock; At that time, the bed is warm MD Senses, people are feeling refreshed, and everyone's in the black sweet township, very quiet, no sound to disturb me, at that time, hide to let thoughts like a wild horse flew there, where love is, want to enough, top the morning get up, I seem to have cheated on a person, quietly finished a thing free, and also have had a good feeling. At that time, I compare the "winter" and spring summer and fall, feel the "winter" is not to interfere in people, she is not as aggressive as spring drowsiness, also don't like summer that I go to bed when the lilong others sang "meng jiangnu", but before I got up and alley full of the sound of the toilet, wash straight without a moment of quiet, but also different from the autumn. Autumn is a world of flies and mosquitoes, and it is the season for malaria.
However, there is a bad feeling about "winter", which starts recently. It's no longer happy to have a hot bed to run wild horses, and there's no grass for me to "fire wild fire". Besides, the winter of recent years seems to be getting colder every year. I have to put on more clothes and keep the Windows closed.
But I also reasonably know the "winter". I know that "winter" after all is "winter", destroyed a lot of bud, cause terror on the ground; I also know that "winter" is only "winter", the north wind and frost, though fierce, will not rule this land forever. On the contrary, the cold in winter is more and more, it is winter's destiny is coming to an end, "spring" has been knocking at the door.
When spring comes, there must be a winter. Cold, colder, you dreadful winter!







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