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分享 LCD Writing Tablet Review
2017-11-28 22:33
LCD Writing Tablet Review
The Writing Tablet is a 12 inch thin plastic slate that will remind us 40 somethings of the Magic Slates from our childhood. Remember the waxy black cardboard tablets with a thin layer of grey plastic that you would draw on with a plastic stylus? When you wanted to make a new drawing, you wo ...
个人分类: 购物|1973 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Which writing tablet is the best?
2017-11-20 02:17
Which writing tablet is the best?
In a world full of tablets, ever considered buying an e-writer or an LCD writing tablet? There are many different reasons why you should consider buying one of the writing tablets available. Kids love simple technology toys. A writing tablet is great for creative expression. They also keep kids ...
个人分类: 购物|1660 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 What is the best gift for kids?
2017-11-17 02:46
What is the best gift for kids?
个人分类: 购物|1076 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 Get a iPhone X Case for $6.66
2017-11-15 04:56
This is the best leather case for the iPhone X. Period. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B076HPGR7M We told you about our favorite iPhone X case, which is insanely thin and offers killer protection because it's made out of actual body armor material. It's definitely still our favorite all-around case, b ...
949 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Get a handwriting tablet for $15.90
2017-11-15 04:43
Protect Your Eyes, Easy to Learn, Memo Remember those reusable writing slates you had as a kid? You’d scribble with a plastic stylus (or even your fingernail), then lift the plastic sheet up to erase the whole thing and start fresh with a blank page. Say hello to the modern, high-tech equi ...
1371 次阅读|0 个评论

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